January, 1922 MARINE REVIEW When you want it Where you want it As much as you want | Er orange Dissolved Acetylene and Prest-O-Lite Ser- vice have made the oxy-acetylene process indispensable in ship-yards. DISSOLVED ACETYLENE provides ship builders with the purest cutting and welding gas in easily portable, instantly accessible and highly conven- ient cylinders. Without such a supply of uniformly high grade gas always at hand, cutters and welders would find impossible many applications of the oxy-acetylene process now in common use. And Prest-O-Lite Service, operating through forty plants and warehouses, places Prest-O-Lite Dissolved Acetylene at the command of ship-yards anywhere, at any time and in any desired quantity. THE PREST-O-LITE COMPANY, Inc. General Offices: Carbide and Carbon Building, 30 East 42nd Street, New York Balfour Building, San Francisco In Canada: Prest-O-Lite Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto 21 PW-513-22 ES ASSES DRESS SESS SESS SESS sR SS SSS SR ST hts SE Please mention Marine Review when writing to Advertisers