January, 1922 MARINE REVIEW 47 Walker’s Patent *“*Trident’’ Electric Ship-Log Chart House Can be run off the Ship’s Circuit. The Taffrail Register Receiver By the use of this instrument, the distance run, as indicated by the Log Register on the Taffrail, is also recorded in the Chart House or in any other part of the vessel as desired. Unsolicited Testimonial—“I am forwarding one of your Electric Logs for general overhaul. _ This Log has been in continuous use for nearly two years and has run over sixty thousand miles, without giving any trouble at all, which speaks well for the accuracy and care given to the manufacture of your Logs.”’ THOS. WALKER & SON, Ltd. To be obtained through marine opticians and ship chandlers 58 OXFORD ST., BIRMINGHAM, ENG. HYDE Windlass Company BATH, MAINE High Grade Marine Auxiliary Machinery and Manganese Bronze Propellers of all sizes. WINDLASSES, STEERING GEARS, CAPSTANS, CARGO WINCHES | steam, hand and electrically MTER & Co. operated. BC GEO MARINE acer i. sooner ware ||| WHEN ORDERING SPECIFY ‘HY DE STRATFORD SPECIAL NO. 1 MARINE OAKUM G@ Is guaranteed to meet the specifications of U. S. NAVY DEPT. U. S. SHIPPING BOARD NAT’L BUREAU OF STANDARDS CANADIAN GOVERNMENT @ This oakum receives the highest classification of AMERICAN BUREAU OF SHIPPING LLOYD’S REGISTER OF SHIPPING STRATFORD SERVICE & QUALITY are worth more than the price asked GEORGE STRATFORD OAKUM CO. _ Jersey City, New Jersey Modern Deck Equipment We are building a modern line of Deck Equipment including Windlasses, Winches, Steering Gears, Cap- stans, etc. Every machine built on standard interchangeable parts practice. Facili- tating quick repair when accidents make repairs necessary. Quantity production ina perfectly equipped plant. makes prompt delivery of standard equipment possible: Write for printed mat- ter. These machines are “Built Right and A Run Right” : THE HADFIELD-PENFIELD STEEL CO., Bucyrus, Ohio Formerly American Clay Machinery Co. Eastern Office, 516 Liberty Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. * Please mention Marine Review when writing to Advertisers