16 MARINE REVIEW MARINE BOOKS Sent postpaid upon receipt of price. February, 1922 SHIPBUILDING Building the Emergency Fleet—Mattox............0cceeeees Elements of Wood Ship Construction—Curtis..........se000: Handbook of Ship Calculations—Hughes..............05000% How Wooden Ships are Built—Estep..........2.ce cece neuen Modern Shipbuilding Terms—Pease...........eeceeceeceees Practical Alloying Buchanan: os. f.cWacccws chasis vatices ees Practical Shipbuilding—MacBride. ...........00ceseee ences Practical Shipbuilding—Holmes.........-...0+eeeseeeeeeees Practical Ship Production—Carmichacl\ ie. se. eect ne Shipbuilders’ Blue Book............ eee anys Cur cuer MORAN aR TE Ship Construction and Calculations—Nicol.:.........00ee005 Ship Stability and Trim—Hillhouse........:....00eeec eee ee Shipftters’: Guide——Newstead. 5505.5 Sass ceed hacene ieee ale ees Shipyard Practice—McDermaid....:,.... UL reet ear ar ape Pen Ship’s Boats—Blocksidge........... o BORN aaf eta: a tue ate Ceah ater Steel Shipbuilder’s Handbook—Cook. ' AU here rues are Steel Shipbuilder’s Handbook—Pease.........0.c.ce eee eeeee Stecl ships——Walton.. 0 ive dene ease ek Rdasy winiteleusaneia te : a Wearehine Attwood tic.ir. taoas elo see ib ae as eae ee we Me NAVAL ARCHITECTURE Applied Naval Architecture—Lovett.......... 0.0 e ee eeee Soe Class Book of Naval Architecture—Lovett.............0008- Naval Architecture—Peabodyiis. so. ce cece cect ee sees a INaVial AECHICOCOUTE— WELBON is cach iccelore a b cescoe Hoa tal ¢ wile! chal te iiece Naval Constructor— 1 HOMasicccs sie ics oped alee bikes aimee w ews Strenpth of ohips——Murrayics «cece se bee Cay ca cok ee a wae ee Text Book on Laying Off—Attwood & Cooper Sena ea ee irae Seats Text Book of Naval Architecture—Attwood.............000% MARINE ENGINEERING American Marine Engineer—Edwards............ceececences Blue Book of Marine Engineering......... :sccceccccrvuccce Care and Operation of Naval Machinery—Dinger..........., Cold Storage on Board Ship—Walker..............0cce cease Hrngineer’s: Handy. Book——-RoOper sic icc incase twang bees caus Engineer’s Manual—Peabody..........e0cceecseecevecenees Ex-Meridian Altitude Tables—Mackenzie.................-. Lessons in Mechanics—Somerscales...........2csceececeeces Manual of Marine Engineering—Seaton............0.eeeeees Marine Engineers Board of Trade Examinations— BOW cacy WAC GAD DOM a) ars sinters 5p coca oa blades w onets wis. g Vib ieseecoue-vis Marine Engineers’ Guide—Hawkins.......... ce ceeceveees Marine Engineers’ Handbook—Sterling..............0.00005 Marine Engineers’ Pocketbook—McGibbon...............005 Pocketbook of Marine Engineering—Seaton & Rounthwaite.. Practical Marine Engineering—Dyson..............e0seveee Practical Marine Surveying—Phelps..........0....cc ee ceeee Verbal Notes;and Sketches—-Sothern... oi. ss cies eee et ealein acess SEAMANSHIP, AND THE MERCHANT MARINE Hints on the Legal Duties of Shipmasters—Ginsburg.......... Know. Gur Own SHID— WaltON 00% cdas cc cecwcee secs Baw ee GChUTGE OO DEATUANIBUID ei isc cco cre oslo is o civlbin oie ree caw Beak Men on Deck—Riesenberg....... eee ee ee AE is SS ae Merchant Marine Manual—O’Domnell.... 0... cce cee eee eee Modern Seamanship—Knight....... A ery cai miatatactbans Gea eneala Gah oh scat New Merchant Marine—Hurley............. cc cc ec cece ecaes Notes on the Practical Duties of Shipmasters—Wilkes..:...... Practical Mechanics, etc—MacKenzie.............00cceeces > Practical'Seamanship——Todd & Whallis. i... 0005 eee cee Sea Terms & Phrases-—Hewlett 0. cn ee a ake ee DPeAMSNSHIPe DOAN Gy fa od osc, ula aa eo MR Nn Se ee MARINE ENGINES, BOILER AND TURBINES Computations for Marine Engines—Peabody...........++4+. Design of Marine Engines—Bragg..........cesccecveceerece Diesel’ Higiné Desigh—Purday... isc. ec cw tcc wet hee ene este. Diesel Hingines-—Chailey occa ics + giessioiae altnn s @ie ales oerevels ae: ec Hot: Bulb: Op: Hngines—Pollocks ts... 0 a ccs rsle ccs saes wees Land and Marine Diesel Engines—Supino............+-+e0+5 Marine Engines and Boilers—Bauer...........ececceeeeeees Marine and Stationary Diese! Engines—Goldingham.......... Design of Marine & Tubular Boilers—McKnight & Brown.... Marine Boiler Management & Construction—Stromeyer....... Steam Boilers—Peabody & Miller. ......... cc. cece cece eeeee Design and Construction of Steam Turbines—Martin......... Marine Steam Turbines—Bauer & Lasche............0-0000% Marine Steam Turbines—Sothern............ cee cee c ete nees Steam: Turbines—Thomae sis.) cikatie cu eae eoce koe vate are Turbines Applied to Marine Propulsion—Reed............... Oil Fue! Burning—Sothern. «........6.% ERE ue RCU ie OO REE PROPELLERS AND SHIP PROPULSION Propellers---Peabtody... os Sei ee ee Resistance and Propulsion of Ships—Durand................ Screw Propeller, etc Seaton) 2.5 o. eae we pa ae ea Crew. LOpellers-— Dy BON. oic.s a sisilesdeiee Gee Moan eer eas Shere. Speed and Power of Ships—Taylor..........c.cecceveveees Z NAVIGATION Definitions in Navigation, etc.—Groves & Showell............ Latitude and Longitude—Millars (26 ke cee iw be ec eac Waitical:Gharts==Butnami nics. ciara kee oe eo WU ees Navigating the Ship—Draper...i......c0ceccccceccuccecens Navigation--Hotmer 0000) pects ete ee es eae Su Na Vigation— Mayers so iaece sso vestiants coos woe ueaee ean ie Navigation and Nautical Astronomy—Coffin & Collins........ New Pilot Guide of New York Bay and Harbor—Krause...... Simple Rules and Problems in Navigation—Cugle............ Simplified Navigation—Poor............. JCB N ALT Pas! ean Sumner‘ Line Comstock savik yin cess alepilal see eek lek oo Secls Whys and Wherefores of Navigation—Bradford.............. Wrinkles in Practical Navigation—lLecky & Allingham........ SHIP OPERATION, TRANSPORTATION, SHIPPING MANAGEMENT Industrial Traffic Management—Lissenden..............00.. Notes on the Stowage of Ships—Hillcoat...............00008 Ocean and Inland Water Transportation—Johuson & Huebner. OceamrOnipping—ADNIN 6s sero + oNis ethics Gos awe w ewe ce whee Ocean Steamship Traffic Management—Huebner............. Océan Trathexvand<frade—Hough. i. oe ee eo Sc oo tlaw bs ccs Packing for Export—Moody........esnsecescsennescecerers Principles of Ocean Transportation—Johnson & Hijehace pe tetece MARINE INSURANCE AND _ LAW _ Handbook of Admiralty Law—Hughes.............0.cc cence Miarinetineurances— Winter. cans bac acne hee ard hag ees Saas Marine Insurance—Huebner. ..........cceecceuceeces Se Principles of Marine Law—Duckworth........... 0.00.00 ies MARINE TERMINALS Ports and Terminal Facilities—MacElwee............cceceee Principles and Practice of Harbor Construction—Shield....... Principles and Practice of Dock Engineering—Cunningham... Wharves and: Piers--Greene.. cca. es Sek cee aueee Seat sussssssses AND THE PENTON PUBLISHING COMPANY Cleveland, Ohio Book Department Publishers of the Marine Review Please mention MARInE Review when writing to Advertisers 116M re