Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), February 1922, p. 81

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February, 1922 290 gross tons last year. Shipments of stone, a comparative newcom- er as an important bulk. freight commodity, dropped from 6,983,911 gross tons in 1920 to 3,505,094 gross tons last year. The loss in tron ore Furnace Shipments | ORE FORWARDED TO FURNACES FROM LAKE ERIE DOCKS MAY 1-DEC. 1 Gross tons 43,349,912 43,258,742 44,982,917 Gross tons Year 14,822,764 40,931,241 32,648,356 shipments approximated 62 per cent and in stone shipmentts 50 per cent, while the grain movement gained 83 per cent and the coal movement 8 per cent. Restricted demand for ore resulted MARINE REVIEW 81 Iron Ore Traffic on the Great Lakes in 1921 IRON ORE ON LAKE ERIE DOCKS DEC. 1, GROSS TONS 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 WOlEdO ccc ve 347,905 336,609 332,051 399,839 399,479 394,869 PEM POR ceases diols 699,850 733,297 698,927 607,233 556,765 590,743 LOfaIN: sates ies sis a po 769,840 1,143,515 777,803 828,384 978,108 1,076,105 Cleveland sis. 1,367,589 1,791,921 . 2,078,201 2,117,176 1,914,071 1,936,906 PaUpont: cosa. ale 340,927 498,704 528,360 510,855 536,580 ‘474,930 "A Shtabiwla "ees. 5s 2,742,617 3,552,503 3,429,258 3,292,738. 3,435,624 3,266,752 CORNE AE ss Wace tices 1,914,045 2,059,193 1,850,759 1,703,701 1,544,706 1,363,550 gobs lier amar el Crop eararite 601,661 374,363 405,761 439,094 519,698 625,193 Buthalors stig civic whens 312,475 440,749 355,194 525,947 441,318 438,712 Ota sis nin nes ok 9,096,909 10,930,854 10,456,314 10,424,967 10,326,349 10,167,760 IRON ORE RECEIPTS AT LAKE ERIE PORTS, GROSS TONS 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 Detroit = srk st 269,488 813,381 549,096 444,936 418,151 425,579 DOlEAGsiiicrep etc shes 411,147 2,654,957 1,536,437 2,608,497 2,445,602 2,035,160 ELTON tosis) 8 teeters cee 553,807. 1,421,509 1,134,104 1,620,712 1,631,395 1,324,112 MPOLAI ea eraee ere 1,788,175 4,045,286 3,379,421 3,494,370 3,831,244 4,613,929 Cleveland: 32. ce: 2,565,902 7,865,757 7,466,921 9,681,882 9,077,161 10,669,745 PAIPpOrt i siie Geis she 1,340,017 1,247,964 1,952,635 1,853,465 2,311,179 2,580,647 Ashtabula. 6.60 cic 2,001,806 11,028,518 8,377,277 11,001,574 10,251,304 11,474,268 Conneaut... spacey 5,329,396 5,989,763 7,056,882 6,650,898 8,729,754 9,588,341 PIO te eee ae on saieee 386,836 2,218,706 1,102,478 1,809,619 2,079,227 1,525,031 Buttalo eis. is, sine 1,160,639 8,196,981 4,649,008 8,845,775 7,843,215 .7,432,220 Port “Colborne... 23,244 187,172 219,326 171,287 194,627 138,240 SROGAT Sic 'en. dees; csum 15,830,457 45,669,994 37,423,585 48,183,015 48,812,859 51,807,272 IRON ORE SHIPMENTS FROM UPPER LAKE PORTS, GROSS TONS in many boats remaining out of com- ‘ 1921 Peg oo. co. » ; igi6 issi Per ae Hescanaba ..i.48) 27.1 ,806, 361, 963, ,774, ,156,8 457,444 oily the larger and eagte cookomieal | RAEN ce geese Me Ss a il / { A hlan ai be eerie ley bnepie 9407" . ’ ’ ds ” ’ , , , , , only the larger and more economical Bapetioe oo ae 4,991,278 14,812,398 10,919,968 14,068,341 13,978°741 12.787/046 units in service, the average ore cargo Dulgtho co fn 9,164,803 15,479,334 16,821,209 20,567,288 20/567/419 211837,949 ; Two Harbors...... 3,286,338 9,278,464 6,424,545 8.723.472 9,990,901 10°735,853 reached the highest figure on record. a ee nanan OE, AME, 27S Comibatison of Hie second af alk ihe ae ee 22,300,726 58,527,226 47,177,395 61,156,732 62,498,901 64,734,198 shipping docks showed an average of IRON ORE RECEIPTS AT LAKE MICHIGAN PORTS, GROSS TONS pias ; ae ved 1921 1920 1919 HON 2 tony 1916 ST eee eeeee ee ee | easiest a i d * ich. ’ ’ ’ ’ JO, od ball vena sd eae renee ed eee at ae ioe ae the average was 93/1 tons i Net es eke 20,654 129, : ‘ 224,570 239,219 In 1918 g Mu’ “Harbor, Ind. 779478 1.268114 1,150683 1.419392 . gogega © gay eee these being the only years when the Gaexj Maida 2,362,336 3,675,005 2,509,338 3,848,295 3,883,082 2,718/185 record has exceeded the 9000-ton Totals cc ts ce 5,838,678 11,393,184 8,543,062 11,609,882 12,118,747 11,573,857 mark. Construction of new lake bulk freigh- ters thas been practically at a stand- ‘in 1920. The past season with its still for four years with the excep- revelation of an oversupply of ton- tion of four large steamers completed nage in many branches of ocean traffic, Record of Traffic Through Panama Canal resulted in a number of small ships returning to the lakes. These ves- sels had been taken tto salt water dur- ing the crest of the war demand for shipping and the majority of them are expected to find their way back to i i ffi Pacific to Atlantic traffic Total traffic through canal esa A ge ies en Panama Coan —---—Panama Canal—---— fresh Water These vessels figured No. of net Tonsof No.of net Tonsof Ne of niet Tons of prominently in the late movement of hi tonnage cargo ships tonnage cargo ships tonnage cargo ‘ Novcthe American : 48 227,644 173,027 36 160,457 182,992 84 388,101 356,019 grain. ; Foreign 75 311,373 213,654 63 242,937 285,762 138 554,310 499,421 ae Total 123 539,017 386,681 99 403,394 468,759 222 942,411 855,440 October American 43 201,893 165,942 46 195,968 ore as 397,861 ever Soo Canal Report i 282 208,495 78 302,411 394, ’ - ; : ren 3t B71175 374,437 124 498,379 611,338 255 1,069,554 985,775 Detailed analysis of the commerce through the Soo canal in 1921 compared September American 46 210,031 161,875 41 200,375 222,226 87 410,406 384,101 ‘‘hrough the Soo p Foreign 82 320,603 138,845 52 194,128 rey ae eee ae with 1920 follows: 4 ’ td ’ ? Total 128 530,634 300,720 93 394,503 RAeTHOUHD cae 43 148,188 146,159 51 180,346 234,208 94 328,534 380,367 To Jan. 1, To Jan, 1, deka ae 97. 339,031. 171,811 65 297,711 287,095 142 636,742 458,906 i922 1921 Total 120. 487,219 -317,970.. 116 478,057 521,303: 236. 965,276 839,273 ‘qiuwhee Mo fect @ NL 206,306 192,854 a Soe Flour, hare SEI ee RG ee r i 6 151,595 103,698 37. 169,842 212,523 <i, , Wheat, bushels ....... 19 ; A é Be pepe 69 251,456 154,742 64 237,720 238,019 133. 489,176 392,761 Grain, bushels ....... 95,694,264 51,630,135 Total 105 403,051 258,440 101 407,562 450,542 206 810,613 708,982 Copper, net tons...... 31,533 51,545 ‘ POS ee Tron ore, net tons..:.. eee oe caper > i ; 214,919 199,183 34 126,642 142,052 81 341, ’ Pig iron, net tons a fone 36 200,383 160,401 85 219,533 ©193,084 . 411. 419,916. 350,485 Stone net tana s 24,910 66,944 Total 103 415,302 359,584 89 346,175 Soo.17 5 192) 761,477 694,720 General merch., net tons 98,124 56,356 : is are 76s Passengers, number ... 33,015 34,013 Te ‘Ameri 38 156,454 198,197 - 52 213,749 217,597 90 : WESTBOUND "SY Foreign” 62 257/975 193,126 SR 28043 Ieyais 120 49441 $7684 Ooo net tone 125070087 12,096,095 Total 100 414,429 381,323 110 450,188 411, A , Coal. bard’ Wek veda 2,256,128 2,059,266 3 3 Iron ore, net tons..... 9 Apri i 200,290 223,033 45 194,368 146,660 91 394,658 369,693 Ore, ; , Ff pestis Toe 72 292,216 277,768 64 268,629 260,152 136 560,845 537,920 ag ara and steel, net Lae Hees Total 119 492,506 500,801 109 462,997 406,812 227 955,503 907,613 sah oe ee e231 29 208 Oily net tons. cae ein 301,633 353,4 Mar / i 5125 261,033 46 205,864 120,223 100 435,989 381,256 © ? , ’ March scanty 3 4s 375,546 69 293,363 327,761 1 55 p7 ee : 703,307 stone Bet yea eer pers Total 140 ‘613,591 636,579 115 499,227 447,984 255: Tll2 ue 3 5963 Possenoera: aaeenel sp 33,606 34.438 ri 2 219,545 58 238,697 215,479 100 430,099 435,024 SUMMARY oo fou a Say'a3i 255,327 69 242,908 262,553 141 486,739 517,880 Vessel passages, number 12,847 18,847 Total 114 435,233 474,872 127 481,605 478,032 241 916,838 952,904 — tonnage, net 32,184,240 58,194,083 : reight— i 5 222,414 58 222,147 234,016 103 420,102 456,430 Eastbound, net tons... 32,113,248 63,464,003 te porean * He pA 334,744 87 354,457 385,879 176 674,221 720,623 Westbound, net tons... 16,146,006 15,818,493 Total” 134 517.719 557,158 145 576,604 619,895 279 1,094,323 1,177,053 Total freight, net tons. 48,259,254 79,282,496

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