38 MoA RINE R-E.V LEW March, 1022 BARGAINS IN DIESEL ENGINES The fuel con- sumption, reliability, rugged construc- tion and easy control are features that mean unusually profitable service. May we send descrip- tive booklet? The Diesel-Electric Driven Beam Trawler ‘““MARINER” Due to the Successful performance of the Trawler ‘‘Mariner,’’ we are now engaged in the installation of the Diesel-Electric Drive for vessels of large carrying capacity. Sizes 120 B.H.P and upwards. New London Ship & Engine Co. Groton, Conn., U. S. A. New England Representative 8 Irvington St. Boston, Mass. In order to move our present stock of engines we are prepared to make a substantial re- duction from our | regular price. For early delivery. Pacific Coast Representative 402 Exposition Bldg. San Francisco, Cal. Please mention MARINE ReEvIEw when writing to Advertisers