16 MARINE REVIEW May, 1922 ~ piace tidiids Siete Gaetan : == - = EASY TO HANDLE LYMOUTH Rope is laid with just the degree of twist that will make its han- dling easy and its life long in the work it has to do. And every Plymouth Rope made for the same work will be found to be identical in every way, whether purchased in Boston or in San Francisco, on the Gulf of Mexico or the Great Lakes. Plymouth Rope is always the same. It is “The Rope You Can Trust.” wis 24 er Wives” PLYMOUTH CORDAGE Co. NORTH PLYMOUTH, MASS. WELLAND, CANADA Since 1916 all Plymouth Rope (GER in diam- 7 . “i eter and larger has contained a twisted paper : marker identifying it as; Plymouth Rope. Cleaning the Manila Fiber in the Philip- pine Jungle De 5-80 Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers