40 MARINE REVIEW May, 1922 Hand Made or Machine Made. All Grades of Ship and Cable Chains Good Iron— Close and Stud Good Link Chains Workmanship— Dredge Chains, etc. . TRENTON, N: J. Honest Testing. WOODHOUSE CHAIN WORKS Send for Catalog Established 1884 TRENTON, N. J. NEW YORK OFFICE: Surpless, Dunn & Co., 76 Murray St. JERGUSON Engineering Specialties Reflex Water Gages Used on all types of boilers by all the Principal Navies of the World “The Water Shows Black” ADVANTAGES: Quick and reliable observations of the water level. Safe, sure and durable at high pressures. Not affected by cold air drafts. Most effective protection == Te tan be used aw any crease Gap er against injuries to boilers and workmen. : hearing cau. Made mm cones ease Besly epics to all types of gage [NSS \ adapting it to use under any tempera- a ll i ° ‘th WATER the Refl iPS y* . ture soa ane a refrigerating room en filled wi e€ iNenex (etre #Ysif or over a boiler. Gage always appears BLACK. When aie NOS] : empty it instantly shows WHITE. No Nise W/ Your dealer will show you the temper- opty p : : , p S mistake possible. This feature alone ~< SHEE ature chart in the Albany Folder—use @) is worth many times the cost of the | A MARK it as a guide in selecting the proper Reflex. peas ag Poirot) ounidisteaey. We specialize in water gage apparatus. ies 2 cane. Dealers stock Albany Grease a eas product because they know it’s good— J .; & V ] @ unexcelled service ask YOUrS. erguson age a ve O. Ad C k’ S 708-710 Washington Street Winter Hill, Somerville, Mass. am LOOK Ss Dons Be Ne Atlas Steel Casting Company General Office and Works: BUFFALO, N. Y. Acid Open Hearth Steel Castings Exclusively FRANK D. MOFFAT © CO. New York and New England Sales Agents 81 Fulton Street, New York Please mention MARINE ReEviIEw when writing to Advertisers