May, 1922 BITUMINOUS COAL DOMESTIC—EXPORT Petroleum& Petroleum Products UNITED MARINE & FUEL CORPORATION 113 BROAD STREET w York Bowling Green 2751 -2-3 Cable Address: UNMARFUEL New York Agents PENN- OKLA. OIL CORPORATION ESTABLISHED, 1854. SHERIFFS MANUFACTURING CO. PROPELLER WHEELS and PROPELLER BLADES to fit any hub. MILWAUKEE, WIS. —for Economical Power “ROBB” SCOTCH MARINE BOILERS will pay you a large dividend in the form of unusually long service and fuel economy. Positive water circulation and large combustion chambers keep the > “Robb” on the job indefinitely. Stood the test for 15 years and still going strong. “POWER” TURBO-BLOWERS are endorsed by users as the simplest and most effective and economical draft equipment. Write us for full details oa MARINE REVIEW 43 Drift or Drive— WHICH? There are but two courses open in ship operation. We can drift along without any. fixed policy regard- ing a reduction in ship operating cost, or we can make a drive to obtain and hold tonnage for Amer- ican bottoms. Ship operators are ready to act on practical methods to reduce the operating cost of their ships. ENGINEERS—Tell them that with high degree superheat the least that can. be expected is a sav- ing of 10% in fuel. THE SUPERHEATER COMPANY General Offices: 17 East 42nd St., New York CHICAGO Peoples Gas Bldg. For Canada: The Superheater Company, Ltd., Montreal 4" TTL UU LUGOT ELE UMGAT CETL EGEPLHT OOOOH UOTE EOLA UAT TULA TCGTT TCG TEA TULA I TET Mine «ittn ttt mnt tnt tn ae a | Geen _ ss Hoes a, Carrs > BUFFALO NY. : a steam Engines ED GUND ee Beaty sey oor | Propeller Wheels Q (Semi-steel d Bronze) Le Here | Castings HUVTTEUVTTVUTTVUTHTOERTOAA LUST LUUTALUOTIUOGHLULHO LOGI LCUGH UGA CUGTOLOGALOOHPUGLHO CCGA OOOH UUUGOLOGAUGGOUUOGT OCOD Pos Si PUTTTUTTATUUUUOGOUHTUIUUCOHHAUUCOHIAUIUUUETHOUIOCOGHAATULOUULAIULUOUUGONIULIOUUHHIUILOLLOTOILLULUOOUILLOORLPUGCLOOULUULLOGRELLUUALGOALLULECOLLLLUGLLLLLLOLLGALLLCLGLGEALLLULE ALL on Please mention MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers