16 MARINI REVAE W June, 1922 Antonio C, Pessano, Chairman of Board Frederick G. Morley, Secretary & Treasurer John A. Ubsdell, President & Gen’l Manager Charles Short, Secretary to President George B. Turnbull, V. Pres. & Ass’t Gen’1 Mgr Dwight True, Naval Architect John T. Webster, Vice President F Builders of the Largest seagoing Yacht, “Delphine” General Offices: River Rouge, Michigan New York Office, 5 Nassau St. Cleveland Office, Kirby Bldg. Shipyard, Dry Docks : | Shipyard, Dry Dock, and Repair Plant Engine Building and River Rouge, Michigan Repair Plant Ashtabula, Ohio Engine and Repair Plant Detroit, Michigan OEE el Please mention MARINE Review when writing ta Advertisers