June, 1922 MARINE REVIEW Go Airco-D- Provides Reduced Apparatus Prices Bee RO ee: ee ae PS Se ee eS ERGING of Air Reduction and Davis-Bournon- ville apparatus factories, and sales and service : organizations insures heretofore unattainable econo- : | mies, in the development, manufacture, and distribution : ; of oxyacetylene welding and cutting apparatus. / 4 As a Consequence, Reduced Prices of Standard Davis-Bournonville Welding and Cutting Torches _ 4 Are Now in Effect aL : “D-B” apparatus has for years set a high standard for oxyacetylene equipment. It is now being manufactured, under the same mechanical supervision as before, with sales and service by the combined “Airco”—‘‘D-B” organization, and marketed as | **Airco-Davis-Bournonville Apparatus”’ “Airco” and “Airco - Davis - Bournonville’”’ stand for quality and completeness in the oxyacetylene gas and equipment business in this country. Remember this when ready to buy. AC CSHEERE Air Reduction Sales Company Manufacturers of Airco Oxygen — Airco Acetylene — Airco Carbide — Airco- Davis-Bournonville Welding and Cutting Apparatus and Supplies—Acetylene Generators—Specially Designed Machines for Multiple Welding and Cutting — Nitrogen, Argon and Other Airco Atmospheric Gas Products. Home Office: 342 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Airco. District Offices, Plants and Distributing Stations conven- iently located. throughout the country. SAA a Oe -Airco Distributing Stations Please mention MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers