O Beth Left to right, top row: S. S. Millingsockett, S. S. Cornelia; middle row: S.S. Margaret, S. S. Helen; bottom: S. S. Edith. MARINE REVIEW June; 1922 lehem-Built ips for the Bull Steamship Company sso | LLL LE BETHLEHEM SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION, LTD., BETHLEHEM, PA. General Sales Offices: NEW YORK CITY Plants . FORE RIVER, Boston, Mass. MOORE, Elizabeth, N. J. UNION, San Francisco, Cal. SAN PEDRO, Los Angeles, Cal. SPARROW’S POINT, Sparrow’s Point, Md. BALTIMORE DRY DOCKS, Baltimore, Md. REDINGTON, Redington, Pa. HARLAN, Wilmington, Del. THLEHE Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers shania taki Si Se