July, 19 22 MARINE REVIEW Whitlock Rope Makes the Oil Hose Behave Few articles of Marine gear are more difficult to handle than the cranky oil hose which tries to writhe out of hand when the pumps apply their tremendous pressure. But Whitlock Manila can stand the strain. It is being used successfully by great American Oil Companies everywhere for this exacting task. When you have a job of similar difficulty, where rope must do manful work, use Whitlock. It will save you money and worry. \WAITLOCK GORDAGE THE UTMOST IN ROPE IRDAG Ww HITLOCK Manila is positively guaranteed to give visit corti service. It costs no more and lasts longer. Write today for the new Whitlock Catalog which will enable you to select rope intelligently. WHITLOCK CORDAGE COMPANY 46 South Street, New York Factory and Warehouses Ji Branches . ersey City, N. J. Boston, Kansas, City, ae ‘| £ Chicago and Houston Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers