July, 1922 Read on this page, srom issue to issue, a description of the features which have made Prest-O-Lite a national institution MARINE REVIEW Each Prest-O-Lite user looks to his nearest District Sales Office not merely for arrangements to adequately cover acetylene needs, but for helpful co-operation and advice on any matter in- volved in the use of acetylene. PREST-O-LITE Why Prest-O-Lite Makes Its Own Cylinders Prest-O-Lite delivers to the user a product that is Prest-O-Lite through and through. The cylinder is made in a Prest-O-Lite factory specially equipped for cylinder manufacture. Prest-O-Lite engineering skill and. inspection control every step in production. Making cylinders to its own design, guarding every step, Prest- O.Lite knows that each cylinder measures up to its high standard resulting from years of experience in the manufacture and distri- bution of Dissolved Acetylene. An inquiry at our nearest sales office will bring you information concerning our latest sales and service plans. THE PREST-O-LITE COMPANY, Inc. General Offices: Carbide and Carbon Building, 30 East 42nd Street, New York Balfour Building, San Francisco; In Canada: Prest-O-Lite Co. of Canada, Toronto DISTRICT SALES OFFICES Pittsburgh Chicago San Francisco St. Louis Buffalo Cleveland Dallas Boston Milwaukee Atlanta Philadelphia Detroit New York Sxest-O-Lite DISSOLVED ACETYLENE Please mention MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers Zk