July, 1922 “GENUINE” TRADE -MARK Coes Ose Wrench Without a Rival The COES KEY- ‘MODEL WRENCH has no counterpart in the hardware field. It handles work which heretofore has called for expensive, heavy, unwieldy, solid wrenches, and handles the work with less ex- ertion. Made in three stock sizes of 28", 36" and 48", with a_ special made-to-order size of iz. The cost is less than ) that of a set of forged ‘solid wrenches and the range of application is many times greater. They are the logical engine-room tool for heavy work. Why overlook a good bet? 28" model opens from zero to 51," 36" model opens from zeroto 614" 48" model opens from zero to 914" 72" model opens from zero to 1214" Think it over. May be obtained from any reliable ship chandler or hardware jobber. Coes Wrench Company WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S.A. MAKRINE RE VIE w 23 ECONOMICAL Refrigeration HON ICE MACHINE THE PHOENIX REFRIGERATING PLANT | combines features that are the result of long experience— features that not only make it unusually efficient but distinctly economical. Phoenix Compressors ‘are made in all sizes from one ton and up refrigerating capacity, and can be had in either single or twin cylinder type as space and operating con- . ditions demand. Steam or electric driven. ‘Automatic or manual control. Let us tell you how we can simplify your refrigeration problems. The Phoenix Ice Machine Co. Cleveland, Ohio —— ee ie sare ge 9) A EX VIELE — eg Please mention MARINE REvIEW when writing to Advertisers