July, 1922 MARINE REVIEW 29 Self Unloading Bulk Freighter Where the investment MUST pay—where service is demanded—you will find GEYSER BOILER CLEANERS The boilers of every self unloading bulk freighter on the Great Lakes are equipped with GEYSER BOILER CLEANERS. If it pays to equip the boilers of these ships—Why not yours? Write us today for price and details of installation. GEYSER BOTLER ‘APPLIANCE’ CO, 2655 Atwater St. DETROIT, MICH. | The “Superior” Spur Geared Windlass 1 WE ALSO BUILD Windlasses Steering Gears Capstans Gypseys Winches Hoisting Engines Swinging Engines Power Pawl Posts Dredge Deck Engines Anchor Hoists _ - Scow Winding Gears Drill Frame Hoists Suction Pipe Hoists Steel and Wooden Derricks Manufacturers of Steam and Electrical Machinery SUPERIOR IRON WORKS COMPANY SUPERIOR, WISCONSIN Please mention Marine Review when writing to Advertisers