August, 1922 MARINE REVIEW 17 Sup Building Dry Dock Job—Lorain, Ohio OUR REPAIR FACILITIES 13 MODERN DRY DOCKS — Four located at Buffalo, Chicago, Lorain, and Superior, capable of docking 600 foot type ships. MOST MODERN EQUIPMENT for repairing, re-conditioning ed recon- struction of ships always at your service. REPAIR SCOW SERVICE AT ALL TERMINAL PLANTS— This feature makes it unnecessary to move vessels to our yards for minor repairs which can be made while ship is being loaded or unloaded. Scows are equipped with large Air Com- pressors, Electric and Acetylene Welding Apparatus. Scows at our Superior, Cleveland and Buffalo plants are equipped with 10-ton Steam Derricks in addition to above equipment. Repair plants at Cleveland, O. Lorain, O. Detroit, Mich. Buffalo, N. Y. Chicago, III. Wyandotte, Mich. Milwaukee, Wis. Superior, Wis. General Office, Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland, Ohio | i , Please mention Marine RevIEW when writing to Advertisers