10 MARINE REVIEW September, 1922 SLINGS Special Rope Gives Greater Sling Service REATER safety, ease and dispatch in the handling of heavy objects by means of the Rope Sling is made possible through use of Plymouth Manila Rope. It is made to withstand the severe strain to which the sling is subjected. Flexible and easily handled, yet sturdy and strong, Plymouth Manila Rope can be depended upon to give longer and more durable service, safeguarding life and property. Knowing how to build ropes for specialized service is the reason why more Plymouth Rope Slings are used on the cargo hoists of American ships than any others. And this reason is keenly appreciated by the man who uses the slings and the man who pays for them. PLYMOUTH CORDAGE COMPANY NORTH PLYMOUTH, MASS. WELLAND, CANADA Since 1916 all Plymouth Ro-e ye" in diameter and larger, has contained a twisted paper marker identifying it as Plym- outh Rope Please mention MARINE REvIEW when writing to Advertisers