September, 1922 MARINE REVIEW 27 LIDGERWOOD DOCK WINCHES Made for any rope speed and load; in various types; portable or stationary. Dock Winches used in combination with the Winches on the ship ma- terially reduce both cost and time » of loading and unloading cargo. STEAM AND ELECTRIC CARGO WINCHES TOWING MACHINES One of many Lidgerwood Dock Winches in use on the STEERING ENGINES Holland American Docks LIDGERWOOD MFG. CO., 96 Liberty St., New York BRANCHES Philadelphia Pittsburgh Chicago Cleveland Detroit Los Angeles Seattle London, Eng. CAMERON PuMPS Power costs money. Saving money for input in-> useful work. This is the re- the user is a part of Cameron Service. _ sult of years of experience not only with ‘All Cameron Pumpsare made totrans- . pumps but with power drive problems. ibl ce of horsepowe form every possible oun Ee. Ingersoll-Rand * Company / . A. S. Cameron Steam Pump Works See Robe 11 Broadway, New York Ask for a set of Cameron bulletins which illustrate Cameron Pumps adapted for every form of power = A 2p— fay ia Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers > Ss 1 oe.