MARINE REVIEW BRUNSWICK - ~KROESCHELL REFRIGERATION SAFETY CARBONIC SYSTEM THE REASON WHY practically all of the Great Lakes passenger steamers and freighters, using mechanical refrigeration, are equipped with Brunswick- Kroeschell machines is because the Bruns- wick-Kroeschell Safety Carbonic System of Refrigeration has constantly given safe, un- interrupted service at minimum cost. Brunswick-Kroeschell Equipment is free from danger of fire, explosion or leaks. Actual records of service show lower oper- ating costs than any other refrigerating system you could use. There is a Brunswick- Kroeschell machine suited to your needs. Write for descriptive literature and list of ships now equipped with Brunswick- Kroeschell machines. All installations made by our own engineers BRUNSWICK-KROESCHELL COMPANY New Brunswick, N. J. Chicago, III. Please mention MARINE 1922 September, Uncle Sam has tested Todd Oil Burners Send for the Results HE United States Shipping Board, the Navy, and the Department of Mines have recently conducted 15 jointtests of Todd Mechanical Oil Burners under Scotch Marine Boilers, and these figures, with their remarkable records of boiler efficiency, are at your service for the asking. Drop us a post- card and let us send you this circular. Todd Mechanical Oil Burners are the fin- ished product of years of untiring experi- mentation in burning fuel oil mechanically. They represent the most recent and highly efficient development in this field. As a re- sult, they are often specified to replace other types of burners. The system is equally correct and econom- ical either for land or marine practice. Remember that Todd has equipped a thou- sand ships with complete Fuel Oil Burning installations. We carry a full line of parts for both the Todd and the White Burner and manufacturecomplete heating, pumping,and straining outfits. TODD SHIPYARDS CORPORATION Plant cf WHITE FUEL OIL LNGINEERING CORPORATION 742 East 12th Street, New York NEW YORK, U.S.A. . J BY MECHANICAL O11 Burners “Proved best ina thousand. tests”. REVIEW when writing to Advertisers