September, 1922 MAR YNE REV FEW 35 Morison Suspension Boiler Furnaces — For Land and Marine Boilers Uniform Thickness : Easily Cleaned Unexcelled for Strength Also FOX CORRUGATED FURNACES Made to United States, American Bureau of Shipping, Lloyds, Bureau Veritas, or any other requirements. MANUFACTURED BY THE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS West and Calyer Sts... BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. ESTABLISHED 1859 Greenpoint Ferry from East 23rd Street, New York INCORPORATED 1887 Engineering | Specialties Reflex Water Gages Used on all types of boilers by all the Principal Navies of the World “The Water Shows Black” ADVANTAGES: Quick and reliable observations of the water level. Safe, sure and durable at high pressures. Not affected by cold air drafts. Most effective protection against injuries to boilers and workmen. Easily applied to all types of gage glass fittings. When filled with WATER the Reflex Gage always appears BLACK. When empty it instantly shows WHITE. No mistake possible. This feature alone is worth many times the cost of the Reflex. We specialize in water gage apparatus. A PLANT that will give you refrigerating service at the lowest possible cost. It combines the finest materials and highest skilled workmanship that it is possible to obtain, and em- bodies every good feature that adds to successful operation. Made in all sizes from one ton up, refrigerating Jerguson Gage & Valve Co. Noe oe at latest booklet? Winter Hill, Somerville, Mass. The Phoenix Ice Machine Co. Cleveland Please: mention Marine ‘Review -when writing to Advertisers