Marine Business Statistics Condensed Port Traffic Record Providence Sap e of sO phir Houston ~ —IIntrances— —Clearances— No. Net No. Net (Exclusive of Domestic) Month ships tonnage ships tonnage —Entrances— —Clearances— pases, 1922... a ean pea No. Net No. Net Uly wecccusees ’ ’ : Month ships tonnage ships tonnage teed eee eee i. pe ap sy aan August, 1922...... 35 40,503 32°. 63.281 hoet Pees Ma a ane ates ty 29° 30,909 52 ae ee igen 8 34/272 PONE Lois a SB. 4695S" 36 F098. ee 13. 53.367 11. 86.372 Way cuties 44) 45,108. 42 1940460 ge? tt: 17 46093 12 50449 April vines res: BBG G1RSE SAP OS SOS Teanga naa 16 80.847 Marci ors 4g 45,412 40. 205,400 "942 ~~» 50581 16 59.677 Februaty 32.0 v.0: Oh. 27,Acs BU SEUSS 13. 46.530 10, . 44 Bel Parary cowie ane G2 OS37 19) 31 92,096 ¢ tamer 12 43 665 19 65.515 December: 1921.5 <2) 48,6505 28 27 001 6 19°722 3 «13°095 November ....... 03 30;708) 27 <4 519 : Octobera ri secue 17 36,682 16 arn NEA aE September =... 24 74,633 28 26, ANMISH eee 24 STS 558 21% --58,492 Soo Canal Report Port Arthur, Tex. The total movement of freight through (Bxeincioe of Deimeatio) the Soo canal in August was 10,285,914 —Entrances— .—Clearances— net tons, an increase of 50,824 net tons, No, Net No. | Net when compared with the total movement Month ships tonnage ships tonnage 5 fi August, 1922... 69 227,941 70 224,654 Of 10,235,090 net tons in July. Ship- July ss... se... 88 296,956 82 270,263 .ments in August of last year totalled June Bi Bq eihesenet ee 81 271,752 87 285,633 27 8.038 b May oes 90 303,623 88 292,595 7,497,876 tons, or 2,788,038 net tons be- odes wets e tees a Ape a as low the record for August of this February <.... 3 233,148 81 250,138 year. August figures since 1916 are: sla RAT ae eco 82 261,439 77 261,604 N December, 1921. 106 359,401 104 339,605 bathe November ..... 92° 286,179 892 263,94 0:4 ANeUSE TOO igh are ee Sn atin enean ce 10,285,914 Octobersien. ia. 93 256,932 8905 52635993. Ap Ast, ODA iy isc es cretae wrote asset eiays 7,497,876 September 325.5 87 224,944 92 254,039: PAU sast 192 Dottie te wee he ke eae 12,425,290 AURUSE . casos occas 193,578 70 VOT 9S AsnoristaO NOs Pai Re ae en 6,609,961 Record of Traffic Through Panama Canal Atlantic to Pacific traffic Pacific to Atlantic traffic Total traffic through canal Panama Canal Panama Canal —---—Panama Canal—---— No. of | net Tonsof No.of net Tons of o. of net Tons of ships tonnage cargo ships tonnage cargo ships tonnage cargo 1922 July American 52 250,378 246,471 55 272,868 335,154 107 523,246 581,625 Foreign 76 323,853 295,941 68 280,772 333,534 144 604,625 629,475 Total 128 , 574,231 542,412 123 553,640 668,688 2045 1127-87) 121i 100 June American 57 256,060 269,093 45% 205,063. 2101.37.5, 102 461,123 480,466 Foreign 78° 338,136 °:317,284 48 171,454 179,728 126 509,590 497,012 Total 135 594,196 586,377 93. 376:517 391,101 228 970,713 977,478 May American 59 285,265 343,913 49 226,356 264,626 108 511,621 608,539 Foreign 75 309,448 329,485 60 211,747 220,483 135 521,195 549,968 Total 134 594,713 673,398 109 438,103 485,109 243 1,032,816 1,158,567 April American 47 220,055 260,442 48 223,913 238,420 95 443,968 498,462 Foreign 74 300,633 301,991 61 230,232 245,194 135 530,865 547,585 Total 121 520,688 562,433 109 454,145 483,614 230 974,833 1,046,047 March American 57 256,613 239,696 46 215,547 219,569 103 472,160 459,265 Foreign 81 329,428 342,256 50 174,223 158,568 131 503,651 500,824 Total 138 586,041 581,952 96 389,770 378,137 234 975,811 960,089 February American 46 199,564 186,486 42 192,931 193,643 88 392,495 380,129 Foreign 68 288,441 256,339 56 205,599 201,606 124 494,040 457,945 Total 114 488,005 442,825 98 398,530 395,249 212 886,535 838,074 January American 47 208,770 206,633 38 169,575 153,649 85 378,345 360,282 Foreign 78 304,994 286,958 47 163,177 160,058 125 468,171 447,016 ee Total 125 513,764 493,591 85258 2,702 Slo LOe 210 846,516 807,298 December American 44 198,506 163,744 43 198,528 179,441 87 397,034 343,185 Foreign 91 377,163 353,366 61 243,047 256,502 152 620,210 609,868 Total 135 575,669 517,110 104 441,575 435,943 239 1,017,244 953,053 November American 48 227,644 173,027 36 160,457 182,992 84 388,101 356,019 Foreign 75 311,373. 213,654 63 242,937 285,767 138 554,310 499,421 Total 123 539,017 386,681 99 403,394 468,759 222 942,411 855,440 October American 43 201,893 165,942 46 195,968 217,141 89 397,861 383,083 Foreign 88 369,282 208,495 78 302,411 394,197 166 671,693 602,692 Total 131. 571,175 374,437 124 498,379 611,338 255 1,069,554 985,775 September American 46 210,031 161,875 41 200,375 222,226 87 410,406 384,101 Foreign 82 320,603 138,845 52 194,128 231,948 134 514,731 370,793 Total 128 530,634 300,720 93 394,503 454,174 221 925,137 754,894 August American 43 148,188 146,159 51 180,346 234,208 94 328,534 380,367 Foreign 77° *339,081 --171,814 65 297,711 287,095 142 636,742 458,906 Total 120 487,219 317,970 116 478,057 521,303 236 965,276 839,273 July American 36 151,595 103,698 37 169,842 212,523 73 321,437 316,221 Foreign 69 251,456 154,742 64 237,720 238,019 133 489,176 392,761 Total 105 403,051 258,440 101 407,562 450,542 206 810,613 708,982 419 ANUS TOL SS ieee acai arin ae 12,789,801 AURUSt, SOIT wien cea ue wee ied eee 13,967,108 Augtist, V91Gseea vores ores as 14,031,262 Of the total freight carried in August, 10,053,224 tons were handled through the United States canal, while 232,696 tons passed through the Canadian canal. Figures in detail for 1922 and 1921 are: EASTBOUND To Sept. 1, To Sept. 1, 1922 1921 Lumber, M. ft. B. M.... 142,494 135,662 Flour, vbarrelg<o5. 2 0.08 4,319,473 4,450,500 Wheat, ‘bushels .s.2.5 73,234,874 49,631,072 Grain, bushels2r 184 See 66,144,256 52,347,014 Copper, net tons......... 31,497 11,151 Iron ore, net tons........ 25,957,410 15,381,861 Pig iron, net tons....... 248 526 stone, net fons. 0322.65 21,183 15,510 Gen’l merchandise, net tons 258,809 38,168 Passengers, number ..... 24,439 27,259 WESTBOUND Coal, soft; net tons... 917,116 9,774,892 Coal, hard, net tons..... 13,152 1,506,439 Iron ore, net tons....... SAE60G ee Spek Mfg. iron and steel, net tons 31,769" 16,434 tonse + soe tres 41,171 29,267 Oily et tonsei i eee 140,222 237.255 Stone; net, tOnses 2s ne cee 336,866 278,469 Gen’! merchandise, net tons 351,143 291,078 Passengers, number ..... 24,948 28,549 SUMMARY Vessel, nassages, number. 10,041 7,646 Regist’d tonnage, net.... 29,763,712 19,116,015 Freight: Eastbound, net tons..... 30,676,768 18,694,295 Westbound, net tons..... 1,866,047 12,133,834 Total freight, net tons... 32,542,815 30,828,129 Lake Michigan Receipts Receipts of ore at Lake Michigan ports 3 for August were 1,826,977 gross tons, as shown in the following record by ports: Port Gross tons South: Chicagon lias wc ae es 933,164 East Jordan, Mich....... US UU pe cRghe rep a Cap Boyne: City, sMiche tose te eee ees Milwaukee va cia cries De eee ee 16,717 Engiaga arbor ciadscnccacs ee tae 194,088 Garvey dnd ies lS artes c a wie 683,008 BE Otal yee ie hate te eeaes eee ar ene eerie 1,826,977 August Ore Shipments Shipments of iron ore from the Lake Superior district during August totaled 9,016,426 tons. Comparing the figures with these of August, 1921, when ship- ments were 4,329,158 tons, an increase of 4,687,268 tons is shown. Total ship- ments to Sept. 1 are 26,309,939 tons. In the corresponding period of last year, 14,748,072 tons were shipped. Detailed shipments by ports are: August, To Sept. 1 Port 1922 1922 Hscanabas «cect swine 900,975 2,505,105 Marquette 2 cers 465,380 1,314,145 Ashland vices recs 1,134,577 3,713,633 SUperor: ES ees 2,338,080 6,703,043 Darliwth= 3s sort oar ade aie 2,896,979 8,023,724 Tow Harborss: sian: 1,280,435 4,050,289 Mota: :) eines sega 9,016,426 26,309,939 1922 <increasec ei ie cs 4,687,268 11,561s867 Courtney C. Washington, county ene- ineer at Galveston, Tex., after noting the effects of the experimental sand catching groin at Galveston, declared the beach is building up at a remarlably