October, 1922 MARINE REVIE W 2 1 5) Caulked right — A caulker can caulk Anda spinner can spin; But he can’t spin well, Nor caulk with a din, ‘Less Stratford’s Spun Oakum Is hammered hard in. GEO. STRATFORD OAKUM CO. Jersey City, New Jersey ORD OAKUM Standard of the World Millions for a Ship— How Much For Its Pilot?» Do you take seriously the importance of the instrument that must safely, eff- ciently and economically pilot your ships between ports? Are you satisfied merely with a com- pass, or are your valuable ships worthy of the Sperry Gyro-Compass? Twenty- six of the leading ship operating lines of the world steer by the Sperry. Drop us a card today and we will fur- nish you with complete information on the value of a Sperry Gyro-Compass installa- HE@PERRY COPE CO. / MANHATTAN BRIDGE Furry BROOKLYN, N.Y. Please mention MARINE ReEvIEW when writing to Advertisers