October, 1922 MARINE REVIEW 39 THE CRANDALL - ENGINEERING Co. ENGINEERS BOSTON MASS. 2B} BP 32x Ses Pr as 200° SUPERHEAT Designers of : | The “S. S. Marore”’ is one of four 20,000 '.| RAILWAY DRY DOCKS ; : FLOATING DRY DOCKS ton ore carrying tankers equipped with BASIN DRY DOCKS GtdhAna MAMine AAILWAe cone FIRE TUBE SUPERHEATERS _ Sgeecgei e - building at the Sparrows Point Plant OF THE BETHLEHEM SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION for the ORE STEAMSHIP COMPANY 200° SUPERHEAT Curtis Double Reduction Gear Turbines THE SUPERHEATER COMPANY | General Offices: 17 East 42nd St., New York CHICAGO Peoples Gas Bldg. For Canada: The Superheater Company, Ltd., Montreal ¥ 5 # : & & ¥ ee Keeps Oil Out of the Boiler [ ly i tas | qe OLIVER | IRON & STEEL CO. ESTABLISHED 1863 Manufacturer of Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Washers, Picks, Mattocks and Grub Hoes, Crow Bars. Wedges, Forgings. Wagon Irons and Singletree Trimmings, Telephone and Telegraph Pole Line Hardware, Screw Railroad Spikes and Boat Spikes, Steel Bars and Concrete Reinforcement Bars. Send for our Standard Price List Multiscreen Filter Send for Bulletin No. 615 The Griscom-Russell Co. 2121 West Street Building NEW YORK Chicago Office: 835-A Monadnock Block il General Office and Works: Pittsburgh, Pa. Branch Offices: 50 Church St., New York City. Monadnock Building, San Francisco, Cal. MVOTTTOTTTUUTTTUUTOWTURATORUOTA CUI LICL CULLICOUD UA LLURULLLLLLLLLOLMGO LOGO Coenen TTA Please mention MaARInE Review when writing to Advertisers | |