nee i QOD Y ° 4m 7 ° at October, 1922 Classified Advertisements 47 Hundreds of Dollars From Ten Minutes of His Time “S&S of your. - a * NSS ag ee ON clerica “force MQ OU know this man. Eight hours of his time, six days a week, belongs to you. He is in your office to serve your interests to the best of his ability. If he is properly directed, ten minutes of his time, every now and then, will put hundreds of i ne dollars on the right side of your ledger. Here’s how— oN i a Have Him Get Catalogs of All War Department TW Ya > AS Sales. | nual 9} is Virtually every day there is a sale of War Department surplus materials. Every time the auctioneer’s hammer falls, or an award is made to a bidder, somebody gets a bargain that means quick and certain profits. Perhaps not all these sales would interest you—the commodities offered might not be in your line, or the sale might not be convenient to your place of business. But, you never can tell. The only way to be certain no profit opportunities are overlooked is to get the catalogs and check up the offerings in all sales. This you can do easily and with negligible expense by having a clerk lay aside his pencil for ten minutes and send for our free information. Every sale is advertised in business papers and the daily press. Each ad tells where you may obtain catalogs. Have all War Department ads routed through your estab- lishment so they reach your “Catalog Clerk” for prompt attention. It will pay. J. L. FRINK, Chief, Sales Promotion Section, Office, Director of Sales, Room 2515 Munitions Building, Washington, D. C. Please mention MARINE ReEvIEW when writing to Advertisers