* American Owned Passenger Liner Rrsonurn Refit Big Liner in Fast Time Eastern Repair Yard Overhauls American Owned Pas- senger Ship for World Cruise, Advancing Delivery Date T the end of the season for transatlantic travel in November, 1922, the REsoLUTE was chartered to the Raymond & Whitcomb Co., for a world cruise. The cruise began early in January, 1923. The United American Lines operate this big liner. Built originally for the Royal Holland Lloyd as the BRABANTIA, the RESOLUTE was launched at Bremen in 1914 and completed in 1920. Her general dimensions are: Length over all, 616 feet; Lloyd’s’ length, 596 feet; beam, 72.3 feet; depth, 40.2 feet; gross tons, 17,299: net tons, 9,311; triple screw, two reciprocating en- gines, one turbine; oil burner; 14 watertube boilers; speed, 16.5 knots. After completion she was. operated, for one year in the BIG LINER AT FLETCHER DOCK GETTING READY FOR WORLD CRUISE 85