42 MARINE REVIEW July, 1923 E CRAND. DALL ENGINEERING CO. : ENGINEERS CONTRACTING ah BO a aG ae DURABLE WIRE ROPE The Marline Served Rope For All Ships Purposes Especially adapted for CARGO WHIPS TOPPING LIFTS GUY TACKLES DURABLE WIRE ROPE COMPANY BOSTON, MASS. Cleveland Philadelphia Chicago New York UNITED AMERICAN LINES Joint Services with H aMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 39 Broadway, New York Passenger Services New York to Plymouth, Cher iaue: Hamburg New York to Hamburg direct. Freight Services New York to Hamburg direct. Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk to Ham- burg and Bremen. New Orleans to Hamburg and Bremen. U. S. West Coast Ports to Northern Europe. Please mention Martine Review BOSTON , MASS. | DESIGNERS OF DRY DOCKS OCEAN FREIGHT SERVICE REGULAR—RELIABLE The INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE. LINES with 117 steamers, many of the fast passenger type, render highly specialized freight service to United Kingdom and Continental ports. AMERICAN LINE RED STAR LINE WHITE STAR LINE LEYLAND LINE ATLANTIC TRANSPORT WHITE STAR—DOMINION No. 1 Broadway, New York 206 Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. Building, Newport News, Va. A. C. Ferrerour, Freight Trafic Manager AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S.S. Co. Intercoastal Services To Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and Tacoma Weekly Sailings from New York, Boston, Philadelphia Fortnightly from Baltimore Monthly from Charleston, Savannah, Mobile and New Orleans General Offices: 8 BRIDGE ST., New York Phone: Bowling Green 1500 when writing to Advertisers