July, 1923 MARINE REVIEW ANYTHING »» EVERYTHING FOR OXYACETYLENE WELDING ann CUTTING AIRCO-DAVIS-BOURNONVILLE RADIAGRAPH MACHINE cutting is one of the greatest achievements of Airco-Davis-Bour- nonville in the advancement of the oxy- acetylene industry. The Radiagraph, Oxygraph,. Camo- graph, and Pyrograph are some of the exclusive machines designed by Airco- Davis-Bournonville experts for mechani- cal cutting of steel plates, forgings,dies, etc. The No. 1A Radiagraph, illustrated above, is a portable, motor-driven ma- chine which may be used for cutting along straight or curved lines at constant speed adjusted according to thickness of plate and size of torch-tip used. There are ten variations of speed, and iron or steel | of all thicknesses from % to 20° inches or more may be so cut. The Radiagraph provides greatly in- creased production and reduced operat- ing costs in fabricating plants, steel mills, boiler shops, bridge works, and locomo- tive and car shops. The Airco Consulting Engineering Staff will be pleased to dis- cuss with manufacturers and others the advantages of specially designed machin- ery for mechanical cutting and welding. Special Bulletin, illustrating and de- scribing mechanical cutting on produc- tion work, will be sent on request. Write for Airco booklet: “Anything and Everything for Oxyacetylene Welding and Cutting” AIR REDUCTION SALES COMPANY Manufacturer of Airco Oxygen — Airco Acetylene — Airco-Davis-Bournonville Welding and Cutting Apparatus and Supplies, Acetylene Generators, and Specially Designed Machines for Automatic Welding and Cutting — Nitrogen, Argon and other Airco Atmospheric Gas Products. Controls the manufacture and sale of National Carbide Home Office: 342 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Airco District Offices, Plants and Distributing Stations conveniently located throughout the Country. Air Reduction Sales Company ‘0° maintains its own Apparatus Repair Shop in each Airco District Office city. “Airco Oxygen and Acetylene Service is Good Service.” Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers ee ei ab Ei ak wR ON