October, 1923 MARINE REVIEW 15 One Real Test of a hawser’s ability to hold fast is when it is used to free vessels that have run ashore, as in the above illustration. Another is in its ability to tow a heavy load through the teeth of astorm—and havea broad margin of safety to spare. These qualities are to be found in the durable lines bearing the Columbian brand. A positive way of knowing your lines are Senuine Colum- bian, is by locating the familiar red, white and blue Tape- Marker within one of the strands. ‘This marker carries the significant words “Guaranteed Rope” certified by the manufacturer’s signature throughout its entire length. Protect yourself by finding it in the next Rope you buy. SS SSS See My By 'nvitation Member ff ” Columbian Rope Company 332-90 Genesee Street Emblem of BUSINESS CHARACTER i gs H Rice Leaders | Auburn, ‘‘The Cordage City’’ N. Y. ede peilag ‘ soriation § ; : anaes § Branches: New York Chicago Boston Houston as SSS GUARANTEED ROPE gS nave sy COLUMBIAN ROPE CO. ausuan, wv. OY RED: ASK FOR “COLUMBIAN”™ TRADE MARKED ROPE Please mention Marine Review when writing to Advertisers