November, 1923 MARINE REVIEW LX. N iY N \ | | : a \ N N \\ WELIN DAVIT & BOAT CORPORATION 305 Vernon Avenue Long Island City, N. Y. IF ishes to_Announce that it has taken over the business of WELIN MARINE DEPARTMENT of AMERICAN BALSA COMPANY, Inc. Manufacturers— Welin & Norton Mechanical Davits. Welin Radio Turning Out Gear. Steel or Wood Lifeboats. Steel or Wood Commercial Boats of Standard or Special Design. Metallic Life Rafts and Balsa Life Floats. Welin Electric Boat Winches. Welin Nontoppling Blocks. Mills Releasing Gear. SALES AGENTS— PERMACOTE READY MIXED RED LEAD. UOTUTUUUOUUQQQ0QQ00000011 A Red Lead that will not harden LLL in the container after opening. GET A SAMPLE AT THE MARINE SHOW.