November, 1923 S.S: AQuiTANra—Gross tons 45,647. Ey OO: AL 908.0: tt. Beam 97.0 - ft. Depth 64.0 ft. Four. screws. No. of Boilers—23 Scotch Turbines, direct-connected—4. S. H. P. @ 175 r.p.m. 56,000. Passenger capacity—778 first, 641 second, 1706 third. FASTEST RUNS—NEW YORK-CHERBOURG AQUITANIA HIGHEST DAY’S RUN—568 miles. . DISTANCE COVERED—3091 miles. AVERAGE SPEED—23.51 knots. DIRECTION—Westward. DATE—September, 1921. TIME—5 days, 16 hrs., 19 min. HIGHEST DAY’S RUN—602 miles. DISTANCE COVERED-—3164 MARINE REVIEW S. S. MAURETANIA Mavrerania—Gross tons 30,704. 1 OA LOG tt, Beam 88.0 ft. Depth 57.0 ‘ft. Four screws. No. of Boilers—25 Scotch. Turbines, direct-connected—4. S. H. P. @ 195 r. p. m. 68,000. Passenger capacity—550 first, 500: second, 974 third. FASTEST RUNS—NEW YORK-QUEENSTOWN HIGHEST DAY’S RUN—676 miles, DISTANCE COVERED—2780 nuiles. AVERAGE SPEED—26.06 knots. FASTEST RUNS—NEW YORK-CHERBOURG DIRECTION—Eastward. DATE—July, 1922. TIME—5. days, 8 hrs., 9 min. HIGHEST DAY’S RUN— DIRECTION—Eastward, miles. ne : DIRECTION—Eastward. DISTANCE COVERED—3,239 DATE—May, 1922. AVERAGE SPEED—23.21 DATE—September, 1909, miles. TIME—5 days, 11 hrs., 28 min. knots. ‘ TIME—4 days, 13 hrs., 41 min. AVERAGE SPEED—23.27 HIGHEST DAY’S RUN—614 knots. 5 es e miles. DIRECTION—Westward, Shipping Board Leases dock Co., noice DISTANCE COVERED—2809 DATE—October, 1922. . ter, Pa, This miles. TIME—5S days, 7 hrs., 33 min. Floating Drydocks dock is “now. at AVERAGE “SPEED—-25.78 HIGHEST DAY’S RUN— A : : knots. DISTANCE COVERED—3,076 A 10,000-ton 5-section wooden dry- Mill basin, Ja- DIRECTIO N-—Wesiward. ie nee dock, now at Weehawken, N. J., has maica bay, and DATE—September, i910. AVERAGE. SPEED—24:11 been leased by the shipping board to the will be towed by TIME—4 days, 10 hrs., 41 min. knots. Todd Shipyards Corp., New York. An- the other drydock of the same type has been leased to the Sun Shipbuilding & Dry- Sun Com- pany to Philadelphia. this type, now at A third dock of Newport, R. L, has been leased to the Alderton Dock Yards, Ltd., Brooklyn. Negotiations are pending for the lease of a 6000- ton drydock to be located at Jackson- ville, Fla. Under. the terms of the leases, the lessors are charged with the upkeep Summary of Transatlantic Fastest Runs New York-Cherbourg Sastward High of the docks, the shipping board reserv- day’s ceo HEE ing the right to sell the docks at any run cover ver. ean : tine Tite naut. —naut. speed time. The lessors have the privilege Line Name of Ship Days Hours Minutes . Month Year ‘Miles Miles knots of purchasing the docks under com- White Star Mavgstic.... 5 5 21 Sept. 1923 590 8,104 24.76 Hae bid Cunard MAUvRETANIA.... 5 8 9 July 1922 oh 3,239 25.27 petitive bidding. U.S. Line LevIATHAN.... 5 8 38 Sept. 1923 586 3,192 24.81 Cunard BBRENGARIA.... 5 10 50: May 19238 538 2,920 22.32 RTPI FESS Saar ay Cunard AQUITANIA.. 5 11 28 May 1922 568 3,091 23.61 . White Star Onympic.. 5 12 38 Nov. 1921 531 2,999 22.61 ‘ Weeskward High Gets Contract for Barge day’s ist. A ‘ : Re ca Aes. The Midland Barge Co., Pittsburgh, Time——-—_——-_ - Date-——— naut. naut. speed ees . Line Name of Ship Days Hours Minutes Month Year Miles Miles knots has received contract from E. T. Cunard Maureranta.... 5 7 $8 Oct. 1922... 8,076 24.11 Slider, Louisville, Ky., for construct- U.S. Line LEVIATHAN.... 5 12 11 July 1923 605 3,160. 23.9 in : r : White Star Magsestic.... 5 12 18 June 1923 608 3,196 24.15 es steel _dredgeboat hull and cabin. White Star Ouympic.... 5 12 39 Oct, 1921 558 2,088 ae 0 It will be 176 feet long, 50 feet wide and Cunard BERENGARIA.... 5 13 02 une 1922 550 33 22.58 Cunard AQurTantA.... 5 16 19 Sept. 1921 602 3,164 23.91 6 feet deep. The company has com- (Neue | Vigne O ydenstowe pleted the construction of the last oi Westward é ue an order of 10 barges for the La Belle day’s Dist. Transportation Co. The hull for the : run covered Aver. : A Mee Pepe Oe a ae naut. — naut, speed towboat Stack Barrerr of the Barret: Line Name of Ship Days Hours Minutes Month Year Miles Miles knots line has been erected. This boat will Cunaré Mavreranra.... 4 10 41 Sept. 1910 676 2,780 26.06 be 175 feet long and 38 feet wide. It sei fastward High 8 i ; day’s Dist. will be equipped with compound con- ; run covered Aver. ae Pee pair gee. Woes ? : F a aed densing engines. From the boiler deck Line Name of Ship Days Hours Minutes Month Year Miles Miles knots down it will be entirely of steel, while “Cunard “ MAURETANIA.... 4 13 41 Sept: * 1909 614 2,809 25.78 the cabin also will be mostly of steel construction. LLL ahem recta Rolo Raph RQ, DO