December, 1923 MARINE REVIEW 9 | sores Tee Manila hemp. ‘This is a new principle in rope construction which represents the most vital improvement in hundreds of years; it greatly reduces internal friction and gives from 10% to 30% greater strength, according to size. Fibore costs no more than ordinary Manila. The saving is all yours. WAITLOCK CORDAGE COMPANY 46 South oe New York Oo CENTE <o? N i: YARW< eo WAL TLOCK ° *, Branches: Factory and Warehouses: ’ OFIE : oe \ Boston, Chicago, Houston Jersey City, N. J. on ' and Kansas City Pag MANILA . Cr 4 toncer ire © (FIBRE CORE) THE MANILA ROPE 'THAT LASTS LONGER Roucu weather and difficult work only emphasize the superior endurance of this new and better rope. Fibore contains no hidden inner yarns to saw across one another and shorten its life. Instead, each strand of Fibore is made up of a solid core of clean Please mention MARINE REvIEW when writing to Advertisers