fesember, 1923 MARINE REVIEW NEN Buy Condenser Tubes : © 5 aE on an Engineering B * Pes, * Lf). ‘o 2p THER Res , Soar cd r ~ ee HE SCOVILL CUPPING PROGE st SPECIFICATIONS for making Admiralty mixture condenser tub-x: Cup Deki Admiralty ing from wrought sheet metal and then i parting > Condenser Tubing an exceedingly fine uniform grain structtire—Bas i put condenser tubing on an Engineering Basis. tre if ' ngeesd. (For sea water or polluted fresh water) Weds 6 Heemicht sheet By specifying Scovill Admiralty Condenser Tub- metal by the cupping process. ing you obtain material made to definite specifica- . Composition—C opper 70% tions :— min., Tin 1% min., Zinc re- meiner Melted in Electric Furnaces. 3. Expansion 25% min. Correct in Composition (every heat analyzed). eer oe = ecu Unusually clean on the surface and sound in- recrystallized. Grain size .025 mm. max. ternally. (Cupping eliminates weak metal.) . Guaranteed against splitting Uniform in temper—finished with an unusually or cracking. fine grain structure. SCOVILL Tubing Lasts Longer than Ordinary Tubing yet Costs but Little More. Write for ‘‘Tube Facts” for further information. NH40H+H20¢ BRASS MILL PRODUCTS—MFG. GOODS TO ORDER MAIN OFFICE, MILLS and FACTORIES WATERBURY, CONN. ESTABLISHED 1802 etc S C (@)V/ I L_ ES 280 Broadway, New York - , 224 W. Lake St., Chicago : : 10 High St., Boston ‘ 1213 W. 3rd St., Cleveland Penna. Bldg., Philadelphia MENNIGia OURO ssIN OMAN PACIFIC COAST SALES AGENT—Pennoyer Copper Products Co., San Francisco and Los Ange-.es. Please niention MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers