MARINE REVIEW Economy on Paper vs. Economy at Sea | CHOOSE! y ov have two options: (1) To purchase oils low in both initial cost and in lubricating values. (2) To purchase oils slightly higher in initial cost and decidedly higher in lubricating values. Frankly, the low. quality oil will look more economical on paper. But if you charge repairs, replacements, delays at sea, and rapid depreciation on your engines against the price of your oil, as you should, you will find high-grade oils far and away more economical. | Shipping interests, the world over, use Gargoyle Marine Oils, not for the pleasure of paying a few cents more a gallon for them, but because taking chances in the operation of ships at sea is, to put it mildly, bad business. Economy in use rather than saving in price has been the guiding principle in the GRRGOIZ » \S ONS Wn 8 manufacture of Gargoyle Marine Oils for over half a century. When wanted, and where wanted, at any port, at any date, Gargoyle Marine Oils of the correct grades will be delivered under contract between the Vacuum Oil Com- pany and your head office. December, 19235 Marine Oils A grade for each type of service Please mention Marine Review when writing to Advertisers