December, 1923 MARIN Er REVIEW 5 Sipe — s = « ‘ow = SS eae it af a Hin BB 67 amc - rr ee iiewr 25 NEW YORK —CLEVELAND—LONDON. THE BUSINESS OF TRANSPORTATION BY WATER Vol. 53 DECEMBER, 1923 Published Monthly by The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A IN THIS ISSUE PAGE Four-Year Log of a War Built Ship... .. What the British Are Doing....:...:.; Change to Diesel Reduces Costs....... Yokohama Fights to Regain Old Rank. Marine Week Proves Success........... 453 New Twin Screw Danish Motorship.... Officers Named by Marine Society. 454 Editorial rene ccs yes tae vtihe eae Ure ee Convert Idle Vessels to Diesel.......... 457 Practical Ideas for-the Engineer....... Improved Design Will Save Money... 458 eee be Hi Bieter Pudder dgals Ocean-Premht “Rates 4.0.6 isk eos 459 Pe aN a oe cee, Atle OUBE NEC DEE, Nesting Lifeboat of New Type......... Photographs from Far and Near...... 460 Tron Cargo Handled with Magnets.... Safety Factors in Lake Ships—III 462 Activities in the Marine Field...... Late Flashes on Marine Disasters...... 464 Late Decisions in Maritime Law. Marine Business Statistics Condensed... 466 Business News for the Marine Trade... eee BRANCH OFFICES BOSTON - : 426 Old South Bldg. NEW YORK - Z 2203-2206 No. 220 Broadway CHICAGO - . 1147 People’s Gas Bldg. PITTSBURGH - Ca eee 2148-49 Oliver Bldg. CINCINNATI - - - 504 Edwards Bldg. SAN FRANCISCO - - 675 Monadnock Bldg. WASHINGTON - - - « 84 Home Life Bldg. FOREIGN OFFICES PARIS, FRANCE 23 Rue de la Bienfaisance (VIIIe) LONDON, ENG., 2-3 Caxton House, Westminster, S. W. 1- BIRMINGHAM, ENG. - _Prince’s: Chambers Cable Address IROTRAPEN, London Subscription, United States and its possessions, $3 per year; Canada $4.00; Great Britain and other Foreign Countries, £1:0:0. Single copies 25 cents. Back numbers over three months 50 cents. The Cleveland News Co. will supply the trade with MARINE REVIEW through the regular channels of the American News Co. European Agent, The International News Co., Breams building, Chancery Lane, London, E. C., England. Member, the Audit Bureau of Circulations, Associated Business Papers, Inc. and the National Publishers Association Entered at the Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, as Second Class Matter, under the act of March 3, 1879 Copyright 1923 by The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, O.