36 MARINE REVIEW December, 1923 «The GARY-CUMMINGS 7 Torsion Meter }) is used very extensively for determining the power of marine turbines. he ~~" It records on paper the angular twist of the revolving shaft. The rec- t. Ig ord consists of two parallel lines, and from the distance between them the horsepower can be readily calculated. + USED EXTENSIVELY BY THE U. S. NAVY and by other ships such as the “‘Leviathan.”’ Each Cummings Instrument is designed to meet the requirements of the particular ship on which it is to be installed —a fact that insures accurate and dependable service—always. May we send Catalog Covering Torsion Meters, Averaging Counters and Combination Counter and Telltale? CUMMINGS MACHINE WORKS, Boston, mass: STONEGA COKE & COAL COMPANY, INC. STONEGA S188 9°22 RODA STONEGA BUNKER COAL Supplied at Charleston, S. C. Savannah, Ga. Jacksonville, Fla. Brunswick, Ga. Charcoal | Seamless Steel Lap-Welded Steel Copper Ferrules Immediate Shipments Johnson-Peter Company Warehouse No. 34, Bush Terminal, Brooklyn, N. Y. No. 51 Pittsburgh Terminal Warehouses, Pittsburgh, Pa. Cable Address: ‘‘Tubejopeco”’ New York Bunkering Agents for Charleston, S. C., Savannah, Ga., Jacksonville, Fla., Brunswick, Ga. PENNSYLVANIA COAL & COKE COR- PORATION, 17 Battery Place European Bunkering Agents, HULL, BLYTH & CO., LTD. Lloyd’s Avenue, London, England Modern Deck Equipment We are building a modern line of Deck Equipment including Windlasses, Winches, Steering Gears, Cap- stans, etc. Every machine built on standard interchangeable parts practice. Facili- tating quick repair when accidents make repairs necessary. Export Cargoes Shipped From CHARLESTON, S. C., and NORFOLK, VA. Agents at Charleston, S. C., WM. JOHNSON & CO. Offices: Quantity production ina perfectly equipped plant makes prompt delivery of standard 3 e ee equipment possible: Big Stone Gap, Virginia | Write for printed mat- PHILADELPHIA, PA. NEW YORK, N. Y. am vn ss oe es CHARLOTTE, N. C. els ee ace ight and CHARLESTON, S. C. NORFOLK, VA. — nei a ae : ; THE HADFIELD-PENFIELD STEEL CO., Bucyrus, Ohio Booklet on Request Formerly American Clay Machinery Co. Eastern Office, 516 Liberty Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 43 MANITOWOC Shipbuilding Corporation Ship, engine and boiler builders and dry dock proprietors. Two dry docks enabling us to dock ships up to 510! keel length. Excellent facilities for prompt and econom- ical repair work. MANITOWOC, WISCONSIN Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers