42 TIVUUQUWUULVALUAULLUU A MARINE REVIEW QT December, 1923 th, In AIUTAIUUTAOIUTE AE SHA A Great Lakes Engineering Works ......... 18 Pp Griscom-Russell: Co,,.- The eo see o. 34 -Air Reduction Sales Co. ......--.++++e:: 32 Phoenix “ice “Machine (Co. 30 3 ie ce os 30 Almy Water Mahe Boiler Cos vi siec soe 39 ee Plymouth Cordage: Co: saciuse ce ees a oie 14 American Brass Co. . Following page 10 Port Newathk 72.542 face css (Inside Back Cover) American Bridge Co. ...-..eseee eee eeees 35 Post, E. L., & Co., Inc. 1.1.2... see eees 23 American-Hawaiian S. S. Co. ......0.--- Asc PMadheldsPenheld: Steel (Co. 3... 2.2 36-2: bower specialty’ «Con went eat erste eee 38 Aecctican Pressed Steel Co. ......--25---- Oe Mansa MM. Ay Co, The v....2.....%%.. 34° Prest-Orlite son Une oe Wena eee os 19 American Shipbuilding Co. .........+-+- 6,7 Hyde Windlass Co. ............ (Back Cover) Prindiville, John, & Sons ............000- 40 B I as : 31 ; ; Radio Corporation of America ............ 34 Babcock & Phat on sayin maeacreaeie are ae International Mercantile Marine Co...... 43 Rice BOG & Bou ee ae Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd., .-. 3% [sherwood, J. W. ..cseeeeeeeeeeeneeeees 28 Bos Ce 25 Boland & Cornelius .......... vente 40 oe ee a Ck Bg yale Hines Co. cc. 39 Row & Davis Engineers, MOG cies nese ee 37 Brauer, Justus, & Son ....sseeeeeeees 40 J Brunswick-Kroeschell Co. .....--.+2+-+05- 32 5 Busch-Sulzer Bros.-Diesel Engine Co...... 31 Johnson-Peter: “CO eis eae cine 608 eo we 36 Samson Cordage WW Orkss. sc sci eo uses os 40 c Scovill’ Manufacturing: Coss... certs cee cc 3 = Sheritts: | Miles Coes nis ee oe ee eee 43 Siggers 6c Sievers: 3s. ee ase h eens eee 40 Carpenter, Geo. B., & Co.....-. seer reece 33 Stonega Coke & Coal Co., Inc. ........ 36 Columbian Bronze Corp. ...--.-++esees: 39 Kelvin & Wilfred, O. White Co., Inc...... 40. Stratford, George, Oakum Co. ............ 27 Columbian Rope Co. .......eeeeeeeeeee 17 : Superbeater Cot ane cee: (Front Cover) Continental Iron Works, The ....... genes 33 Superior. Iron Works. Co. . 2.60.03. .6. 555 32 Cory, Chas., & Son, Inc. .........----- 25 L Cramp, Wm., & Sons Ship & Engine Wilding COM ne ocr tenes on (Back Cover) Pee Wiss Co 27 T Crandall Engineering Co. «+....+++++++- an Leavitt Machine Co., The .............. 11 ? Cummings Machine Works..........+.+++: 36 tigae Ae Beaducte Ob. Clacide Busnes Coved Paghabuess Gs. 0 cas bade c says sc bicte ss eae 40 Taulane’s;. George, SONS: oc sc desc ne eee 39 aetna jaan Com es Sao ire ea tae 15 Tichouts Woe 35 i Jevinmenhermer ts CO. ice Ge teed sais oer ees eles 37 ‘Todd Gi Bisnec Ac agieenee- Con. Todd Shipyards “Corps... eee cs sca eles 16 M Toledo =Shipburldinge (Co. wi cece eee a 10 Detroit Shipbuilding Co. .............+-. 7 rout, AOG. We 33 Durable Wire Rope Co. .......... Biter are 39 Manitowoc Shipbuilding Corp. .......... 36 Marine Decking & Supply Co. .......... 35 U E Wigisteres Mahe Owe fle cats sc ctcies sole eiaceiers 39 Morse. Audrowt., & Sow, Inc ...... 6 39 United GAmérican: Lines. 3.0.30 6. sate 43 Mailing atch “Paseener boo) 2 39 ~~ United States Navy oor. paiement ce 41 Engberg’s Electric & Mechanical Works .. 29 ; N Vv F Macuum Oil Cogs eater ees ae ea 4 New:- Jersey. Paint 4WOLKS: 6656s ees ease 39 Fatleve: awards rh.) CO. ieee ware siesta ots 40 Bedetal Shipbuilding Co... eo scuc ec cc eee 23 oO ww Hosters Matine Boiler Corp, 2... 6.00. es 40 Warren Steam Pump Gow feu oo. cs soe css 37 Oldman-Magee Boiler Works, Inc. ...... 38.2 Welln’ Davit: & Boat: Corpse 30 ee 43 G Oliver: Tron & Steel Corp... iii see ons 30. White, Kelvin & Wilfrid, O., Co., Inc..... 40 Orsenivo. Co. Ine. is ae ae, ais edie 44 Whiting, John L.-Adams, J. J., Co...... 31 Osborn: wr Corea ec Sis io hata cica waa nese 40 Whitlock ‘Cordage Gon. 68 os oa ce cc 9 Oxweld: Acetylene Cor iin dics he vanes ce «21 °° Woodhouse ‘Chain “Works 20500 oo Soc. 38