March, 1924 MARINE REVIEW 17 ; H i fe In this recently published booklet The American Brass Company summarizes all the tube knowl- edge that it has accumulated through: research in its own Technical Department and through the study of condenser tube corrosion in all parts of the country. A copy of “Anaconda Condenser Tubes— An Authoritative Discussion With Specifications,” will be sent to interested engineers on request. THE AMERICAN BRASS COMPANY GENERAL OFFICES: WATERBURY, CONNECTICUT New York, Chicago Mills and Factories: Boston, Philadelphia, Providence ANA Oo pA Ansonia, Conn., Torrington, Conn. Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit from mine to consumer Waterbury, Conn.. Buffalo, N. Y. Cincinnati, St. Louis, San Francisco UPS Hastings-on-Hudson,N.Y., Kenosha, Wis. In Canada: ANACONDA AMERICAN BRASS LIMITED, NEW TORONTO, ONTARIO Please mention MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers