14 : MARINE REVIEW A Real Guarantee in Back of Every Columbian Manila Rope and that is the reason why a great many Mariners know that they are absolutely safe in buying Columbian Tape-Marked Pure Manila Rope. They have learned by experience that they can rely faithfully upon the Columbian Tape-Marker, and its presence in a Rope means long satisfactory service to them. Let the Tape-Marker assume the responsibility for your Cordage. If every line aboard contains it, you are going to be completely satisfied—for then you will find as do those who continually use it, that your equipment will give you Service as only Col- umbian Tape-Marked Pure Manila Rope does. A sample of Tape-Marked Rope will gladly be sent upon request. » Columbian Rope Company 332-90 Genesee Street Auburn, ‘‘The Cordage City’ N. Y. Assccieticn | | Branches: New York Chicago Boston New Orleans Hy Represents High Standing in h NAME~PRODUCT-POLICY ff ian re watt (ual © oc" COLUMBIAN ROPE os “TASK FOR “COLUMBIAN AN” TRADE | Please mention MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers May, 1924