Latest Marine News in Pictures First photograph of shipping board as now organized. Left to right, Meyer Lissner, California; W. S. Hill, South Dakota; E. C. Plummer, Maine, vice chairman; T. V. O’Connor, New York, chairman; W. S. Benson, Georgia; F. I. Thompson, Ala- bama, and Bert E. Haney, Oregon Built 12 years ago by Great Lakes Engi- neering Works for coastwise service, steam- er Robert M. Thompson below is being refitted by New York Harbor Dry Dock Co. for lake trade Believed to be the first one-man built model of a lake freighter, Frank Morrison, Cleveland, com- pass adjuster, known to all lake men, built this model of the Jesse Spalding, now the Vindal, in memory of his son who owned and cap- tained her. He made every part himself Capt. Robert Dol- lar, celebrating his 80th year by taking the com- plete trip on one of his seven round-the-world liners Steamer Ruby, like her sister ship above, is being made ready to go back to lake trade for the George Hall Coal Corp. 195