* aN 8 IE = INNVVQUUUUULLUAL LULU A Mie Reduction. Sales. Cow... 3.00... . 2s 36 Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. .......... 40 American. Brass COl 4) ees cies cee ce ee tls 19 American Bridge. Co. <....+...sse00es 38 American Pressed Steel Co. ........-.--. 40 American Shipbuilding ‘Co. .........+-- 6-7 American Spiral Pipe Works .......... 43 Atlantic. Works, The ... 2.0 00s cece eee eee 42 B Babcock & Wilcox: CO. 73 te ik. ce oe 31 Bessemer Gas Engine Co..:0)iic0...0: 23 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd...... 8 Boland Ge (Cornelus 3g fares sheke sane vactaeiersn sien 46 Boston & Lockport Block Co.......... 41 Cc Carpenter, Geo. B., & ‘Co..........-%.; 37 Columbian: -pronze «COLD. a eas; Saisie 8 42 Columbian. Rope? Covi. sie. acess alee 14 Continental Iron Works, The ............ 39 Gary, Chasi, 6 S00, ING, jis se ea ee 44 Cramp, Wm., & Sons, Ship & Engine Pdi ACO Ree. oc ee alb boo ele Back Cover Crandall; “Bneineerine. C0, 2s kas eis 36 D Detroit. Shipbuilding Co. sin ses. 62 Diamond Power Specialty ‘Corp. ........ 10 Meeh Mito Co ee ve a a ose pees vas Ga ae ss acta oes 18 “Durable Wire Rope CO cos aida anes 43 E Electric +Storage sBatterys Coico 6.0. daa, 15 Engberg’s Electric & Mechanical Works.. 37 F Hatley, Pdwardier.. : Cove. cava otra Co 46 Federal Shipbuilding Co. 22 003.220. 29 Hoster Marine Boiler Corp. ...::322%.0 0. 42 MARINE REVIEW G General: Plectric: Cos tikes sce is ete es 7 Great Lakes Engineering Works: .......... 24 Griscom-KRussell;Co,, ENG. sees secu ns 38 H Hadfield-Penfield’ Steel “Co. 3.0... 0 e. 41 Paniniag: IM cA SCO Meat ise gestern nore 46 Eby de: Windlass: s@0y ai ei ccs «use Back Cover I International Correspondence Schools 42 International Mercantile Marine Lines 43 TSHErWOOG GE Ale LW eae os ween vine teins oa 35 J JohnsonsP eter Coss sais anchewe teak ieee 46 L Ladserwood: iter = Con. haces yee 40 Linde Air Products ‘\Co....Inside Front Cover Lombard? Governor -|\Consise se ees 38 M Manitowoc Shipbuilding Corp. .......... 41 Marine Decking & Supply Co..........%. 37 Maxim=‘Sileticer -Co 0s as: Seen. 35 Morse; “Andtew Ji, &: Son, “ineyi 4s, 50 Morse Dry Dock & Repair. Co.......... 49 Morton: Salt: Cos ceri. aie me See ee oes 47 Mulholland Hatch-Fastener ‘Co......%..... 50 N New. Jersey “Zine? Gorcstes er ene 22 Oo Oldman-Magee Boiler. Works, Inc........ 46 Oliver-clron-s& Steel (Corti... ae ec ae 39 Orsenigos Co. Inectecs os eee 9 Osborn “& “lange. Ines.07) 23 oe 46 Oxweld “Acetylene Go... yiviie se 27 May, 1924 MN © lV LIVQUUUAOUUTAUUUHU P Patten, -John:.S.,. Engineering Co, <2. ..25- 41 Phoenixslce= Machine: .€Cocans si aye ees 36 Pott Newark. 3. iee wes Inside Back Cover Bost, AWe ley he SEONG RNC. eRe oo ees 29 Power “Specialty: Coes.) sie pera ae 46 Brest-@- lite Cos Itc i. fee Gee ok ee 25 Prindiwille; John,” 6:°S0ns* 20h. see ne 46 R Radio Corporation of America .......... 50 Ritchie, 2b) sSaS Sonsien. onic ete eee ce 46 Robeson EresetvovCon se tees. oe kee 39 S Sherifis , Manutactutine: Co...) «seen acta 43 DiSsers- Ore GIS SERS. se als Mae sombre ee 46 SKE slndusivies: ints. icc aus en ee ti Sperry; Gyroscope: Co csi gun se Pee ee 3 Stratiord, “George; @akum Co. .:2 50. 6c 33 Sliperhedter’ sons a cece ete eee 33 Superior Wron- Works Ce. “ia. ee. eo 31 T Daghabues; 2. Gero occ ao ee ee 50 Tiebout; Wee ole os cece. oe ee 50 odd Shipyards “Com so 45 ‘oledo: Shipbuilding Co. os. aa 16 MPOU bs: Watt Gra CO cet van hah aac neni oe 50 y United “Anierican Lines’ ..:............. 43 V Nacuum- (Oil Co, ct, ee 4 WwW Warren: Steam< Pump: Co. ii. ee we 46 Welin® Davit: & Boat’ Corp...) ae ee Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co...... Berean) White, Kelvin & “Wilftid, “OX (Co, . 5: 46 Woodhouse ‘Chain Works ° eee ee eee eee en eres