June, 1924 MARINE REVIEW moseanemnennsiaeiogeonnsannare | iW nc ADAIR AA ONL NAIL AASB ate cc ttAO MAMA AMARA! OR, er rotaseoenestovvcctensi, inn scnnasnt nN oA a AAI, CADDO AAA MAE <cansssicsenesincstnestaansuipunansnineonasptostetasniusaianasissipstissiia saat pit iA t RADA TE Planet Line Inc. Corvus Clauseus Centaurus Munsen Line American Legion Southern Cross Savannah Line raseceqnnvororssvosengecenm neo asoate stat cecthee notes Senn ont OND tan Nee oePe ts PTET tk OOOO TOT eee LBC LO th taethtln tata TRL HD DMNA City of Birmingham Isthmian Steamship Lines Crofton Hall Anniston City Steel Ranger Steel Scientist Steel Age Steel Mariner Steel Trader Montgomery City Mobile City Memphis City Tuscaloosa City Fairfield City Chattanooga City SAID LEENA LAAN AADAC AAA AY RENE ARS SRR LNAI ALLO NIALL NACE ELEC ESERIES ERLE OE REREAD SOO ERPL LEAL LOC LPPEL ALLA er mecca meresraeivaenseosreesicenacrtow vee einanes one coneniinaeninsotetosoreinaennccos seth haneenensen seninneonsooseocnenunienttenonenecntenenaoedtesttiniaedcshe uinntinsonsoncnstoonesossssa nitionecostat so ioeneverasessssostesiave z “ ent toranncemtn anoint tntrniatosietat ct scnr nninetins Anrntntapcotinansnina ie tpistconmnncnnini peri tttt isis: eoeecesonamcners creo meteor onnsntateenvrtooownndcnon ann oon pe sont oteesdson on aoonarnonanpravmiaosranoasosonaompumerenconenen moon -eoseongeseeqnnsieouneavoeassoneiineennnnonagenicnaaneneeoeciss S i 3 “ nuneonoeonnaccennnnesnnrivercecaconnsctnan onouiecennntemiiovtesonuntosseenanaete * ee om mines nn eSoenanirtesostcoescnonosseretecatnne onanie isbn pseseoetioveentmnecosadcenttiversinsnoneseme tel otetsatan ties a ov atnsatatenbaitttecn anata ateneanai iainietne eminent sates iapenonesconeonmseanntansi ocsnaeceonsstegantironstescsanobatcen seen reeenwononern canoes sans snonsnn yenceevano- econ eheevocssoncatoenaresesbnceiactoecnnn = secant ob eeeovernteiiniesanoeeeeoeneschonsisinsesetabarceteonesiwesbsreseetoonunsaiicon: ccstaionaniinein coe vonernceenseessthnisearercononveesoinnrsor sanessoonnevenanoonarevoreuaesespmpovaoneissassomanneanne Here’s a partial list of ships equipped in 1923. City of Chattanooga Ce pg a ee De ——— nnn nnesteticniiiin equipp ed with Diamon d Soot Blowers in 1923 i record speaks for itself. In a year when it has been necessary to cut operating costs to the bone, Diamond Soot Blowers have had one of the most successful seasons ever experienced by any manufacturer of Marine Equipment. What is the answer? Diamond Soot Blowers do save fuel— 5 per cent in the average case. They increase boiler capacity, and they increase steaming radius. The fireroom crew are enthusiastic over Diamond Soot Blowers and stay longer with the ship on which they are installed. Write for this é oF interestino Book lt Cleveland, Ohio 698 Rockefeller Bldg. New York City, 90 West St. DIAMOND POWER SPECIALTY CORPORATION DETROIT, MICH. neoroenenn Please mention MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers Stoamshipy | cohen esccnaesosne nsec tinireeett teeta Ot Ee SNELL: sa ereoonieeetaacsmercooewcsessteen ete tite Cnten 5 cooossuoneeeitinvewsuoncorerecanon-nernete ecsnescannnonbmveeqsonasce cone — eee coosoncemtoaoner eee. sesame aaoouicentendN: cosssoconns-uononvonscer- eenssanonssinnarcounsnesaraestonapeessortte oe ~veonnoosovione iv tetera none eset th-osoentescenannnneaereeateun eoneroneeneoee scoasenaeconireonmerenerovesscnnnrenertesos panececensoensouens sccocteommenssarecenteinaranscesoenrotaninononneeent