August, 1924 MARINE REVIEW 39 | THE CRANDALL ENGINEERING Co, ENGINEERS CONTRACTING BOSTON N, MAss. id DESTICNERS OF DRY DOCKS | DURABLE WIRE ROPE!| CAS TINGS The Marline Served Rope Brass, Bronze, Aluminum, Manganese, Phosphor Bronze, Nickel Bronze and Acid Metal For All Ships Purposes Especially adapted for : : also pee aa ae CARGO WHIPS see ern oer TOPPING LIFTS . 1 GUY TACKLES hehe ce F) Sounds cack — DURABLE WIRE ROPE COMPANY May We Quote on Your Specifications? BOSTON, MASS. Chicage Glevelend Philadelphia. New ‘York The John Harsch Bronze & Foundry Co. 11612 Madison Ave. CLEVELAND, OHIO The Gary-Cummings Torsion Meter is used very extensively for determining the power of Marine Turbines The very fact that Uncle Sam considers it of such value that he uses it extensively in the navy and that ships such as S. S. Leviathan have selected it as part of the essential equipment, should convince you that it is worth investigating. Write for catalog and full particulars regarding Torsion Meters, Averaging Counters, Combination Counter and Telltales. Cummings Machine Works 255 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. Please mention Martine Review when writing to Advertisers