20 | MARINE REVIEW Since the Days of “Fulton’s Folly” September, 1924 Great changes have been made in steam propelled vessels since Robert Fulton’s “Clermont” puttered its way up the Hudson. Today massive forms of steel plough the seas with funnels a-roar, carrying along com- plete all the essentials of a well conducted city and the luxuries and ap- pointments of a fine modern hotel. 6 Since the earliest days of steam ships, Chas. Cory & Son, Inc., has contributed in a considerable part to their development by inventing, improving and manufacturing marine appliances and safety devices. Although many.types of marine governors have been brought out attempting to perform the difficult task of anticipating a vessel’s pitch and closing the throttle before the main engine raced, none successfully met the cor- dition until the introduction of the Cory- Ramsay Anticipating Marine Governor and the Cory-Ramsay Anticipating and Emer- gency Marine Governor. Both types have the feature of really anticipating the pitch me- chanically and closing the throttle before racing can start. Each Cory-Ramsay Governor is operated by an anticipating valve, consist- Marine Architects, Operators and Superintendin lating to the Cory-Ramsay Governors are invite ing of a closed box suspended in the direction of the keel. In this box is a rocking valve controlled bya rolling ball, bringing the valve into operation and closing the throttle the moment before the propeller reaches the surface, re-opening as soon as the ship re- turns to her normal trim. Accidents and short following seas that might expose the propeller without pitching - the vessel are provided against in the An- ticipating and Emertency Governor that is equipped with an inertial or emergency governor. Engineers desiring further detailed information re- to write , or descriptive Bulletins, No. 33-B and 34-A CHAS. CORY SONIxc. 183 Varick Street, New York City The World’s Largest Manufacturer of Signal- ling, Communicating and Lighting Equipment ~ Please mention MaRrinE Review when writing to Advertisers LINK CONNECTION Hm TO THROTTLE 7