MARINE REVIEW September am a Why McGraw carries 25 men INE MEN are all that can play at any one time. The rest are insurance. A player may be in- jured — McGraw has a reserve supply. The turn of the game may require a pinch hitter— McGraw calls on the bench. It is this knowledge of his re- serve forces that enables McGraw to play a win- ning game. : Oxygen for your day’s needs is all that is necessary to run your plant. Your Linde contractis insurance. One oxygen plant may break down— Linde has a reserve supply. An increase in your business may require an excess of oxygen— Linde calls on any or all of its 115 plants and warehouses. It is this he knowledge of Linde’s reserve forces that enables you to be free from worry over oxygen —if you are a Linde customer, Linde uses its team The Linde team of 115 plants and warehouses would be of little advan- tage to you if Linde did not play the game and use these plants and warehouses for you. ay On one of the upper floors of the Carbide & Carbon Buildingin NewYork City the Linde Company has men who watch produc- tion and stock in every one of Linde’s 115 plants and warehouses. 184) Unknown to you, Linde plants in Ohio are wired tosupplysomewarehouse in New York or Pennsy]- vania; or Chicago in- structed toshipto Detroit; and Detroit to Toledo. laa) Linde not only has the facilities to furnish its customers with a depend- able supply of oxygen, but—it uses them. THE LINDE AIR PRODUCTS COMPANY General Offices: Carbide & Carbon Bldg. 30 East 42d Street, New York 38 PLANTS — 77 WAREHOUSES ey LINDE OXYGEN YOU CAN DEPEND ON THE LINDE COMPANY Please mention Marine Revirw when writing to Advertisers . ‘ 3 ; 4 A