Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), October 1924, p. 410

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Late Flashes On Marine Disasters Brief Summaries of Recent Maritime Casualties— A Record of Collisions. Wrecks. Fires and Losses NAME Arauco Aulne i Angkor Aranco Attivita Archer John W. Ailes Arabic Anna McDonald Po Adam Smith Arlington Court Askeladden Ashton Atlanticos Apurimac Atlanta M. Jagger Allegiance Aurania Arctic Amaxon Admiral Rigault de Genouilly Bohemia Backworth Bretagne Barge 785 George A. Boeckling Ben Billy Betterton Canadian Ranger Cainmona Cheektowaga Chickasaw City Cletus Schneider Cassel Cuba Cranstone Cranfield Canadian Harvester Cardiff Cetty City of Cornith City of Seattle Cairnmona Carriso Casper Camden Cape Blomidon City of Los Angeles City of Florence Cuatenoc Cariari Clan Cumming City of Manila Charles D. Stanford Clydemede Cheviotdale Caroline Dairen Maru David Lloyd George Dorina Destroyer No. 4 Dauntless Danier De Grasse Harold Dollar David S. Troxel Dorcas Dieter Hugo Stinnes Dungeness Depute Georges Chaigne Delfia Dresden Elswick Park European El Gedro Ernest and Rose Explorer 0 ee DaTE July 16 July 16 Aug. 4 Aug. 2 Aug. 6 Aug. 6 Aug. 21 Aug. 27 Aug. 27 NaTuRE Aground Disabled Aground Disabled Disabled Disabled Ashore Hurricane Wrecked; storm Collision Ashore Disabled Fire Ashore Collision Ashore Disabled Disabled Crushed in ice Lightning Fire Damaged Heavy list Grounded Fire Collision Damaged Hvy. weather Disabled; towed On rocks Aground Adrift; fog Collision Struck sub. object Ashore Disabled Disabled Grounded Grounded Struck sub. object Ashore Collision Fire Aground Disabled Collision Disabled PLACE Valparaiso , Belos Shimonoseki Valparaiso St. Vincent Port Said Rocky Island Nantucket Prospect, Halifax Liverpool Buenos Aires St. Johns Rotherhithe Monte Video Lima Dutch Is. Harbor Berwick Christiansand Cape Smyth Mobile Havre New York Vasklot Roads Lvsogrand Bath Sandusky Bay Frith Flushing New York Montreal Heath Point Matinicock Is. San Francisco Victoria Island Tandiok Priok Columbia river Copenhagen Moulmein Tarts Bar Bay St. Catherine’s Hurst Castle Glasgow Ft. Wall St. Quebec San Francisco Buenos Aires Rockland Struck by galePoint Lepreaux Disabled Ashore Ashore Ashore Fire Fire Collision Disabled Grounded Collision Collision Disabled Fouled Grounded; storm San Francisco London Point Arena Cape May Aden Taku Bar Baltimore Havre Berwick East Greenwich Notoro Kabapito Natal Cowes Beppu Fire,eng. room Ft. Stanton St. Aground Disabled Struck sub. object Struck sub. object Disabled, storm Grounded Aground Disabled Stranded Grounded Disabled Disabled Disabled Fouled Fire Cape Fear river Havre Columbia river Duluth Harbor Gloucester River Elbe Buenos Aires Brest Saloum River Elbe Alexandria Moville Bay San Francisco Ramsgate Liverpool DAMAGE RESULTING Slight Not stated Floated, un- dam. Sl. damage Badly dam. Prop. lost Released Hull dam. Total loss Slight Floated To cargo Slight Floated Undam. Slight Cyl. broken To valves Not stated To. rigging Slight Broke cyl. Dam. to bul. Leaking Slight Sunk Not stated Not stated Floated Floated Not stated Not stated Not stated Floated Prop. lost Repaired; sl. dam. Undam. Not stated Not stated Not stated Not stated Slight Floated Eng. dis. Not stated Lost rudder To rigging Not stated Floated Not stated Floated Serious Serious Undam. Dam. rep’d. Floated Sunk Total loss Leaking Lost fore t’pm’t. Leaking Consider’ble Not stated Slight Dam. 3 blades Broke tail shaft Badly dam. Floated Not stated Condenser dam. Floated Not stated To furn. & boil. To engine Prop. blade lost Slight Not stated NAME Eastern Knight Erna Egremont Everett Esther Adelaide Estremadura Elsdon Emblem Evens Falkenfels Falcon Farenholt Freeland Fueloil Frederick P. Elkins Feodosia Frumitz Garryvale Gray Granli Glencoe Garoet Goloa Great City Grover Warner Gloria Georges Creek George Allen Graville Genesta G. A. Kohler Greylock Gretaston George G. Barnum Gwladys Grosholm Gluesta Guerets Heister Henriette A. Simmons Hardanger Hallgrim Havre Maru Haimon Hilde Hercules Horda Harvester Hetty Hvitra Havdrot Harbor Lighter Helder Heather Pet Heiyo Maru Hegira Hampton Roads Hubbastone Hindustan Herbert Il Primo Iroquois Ivor Idlewild Irish Monarch John Baptist ew Johanna Maria II Korona Krim Kentucky K 5187 Keemun King Howel Kong Gudrod Kia Ora Koyo Mau Kirsten Jensen Kennebec 410 Date Aug. Aug. Aug, Aug. NaTuRE Collision Hvy. weather Fire Disabled; storm Disabled Disabled Aground Aground Stranded; sunk Grounded Collision Collision Ashore Aground Fire Fire Disabled; storm Fire Struck quay Grounded Grounded Not stated Ashore Damaged Disabled Struck pier Fire Ashore Disabled; storm Disabled Disabled Disabled; towed Disabled; storm Disabled Aground Aground Aground Aground Disabled Disabled Fire Damaged Not stated Collision Collision Grounded Collision Fire Disabled Grounded Grounded Heavy list Fire Capsized Hvy. weather Disabled Collision Disabled Disabled Hit wreckage Disabled Collision Rough sea Struck pier Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Aground Fire Disabled Rough weather Ashore Collision Disabled Collision ae truc uay Recoune Fire Disabled PLAcE Chesapeake Bay Flushing Pier 98 South Canso Block Island Dakar Copenhagen Berwick Christiania Fjord River Scheldt Ramsgate Cape Flattery Liverpool Tampico Break- ‘ water . Brooklyn Aarhus Turks Island Hamburg Antwerp Buenos Aires Naden Harbour Kirkenes St. Johns, N.F. Aden New York Newcastle-On- Tyne Ft. Stanton St. Queen Anne Pier New York Panama Havre N.W. Lightship Florida Strait Columbia River Off Norway Sandusky Bay Buenos Aires Charlottestown Milford Haven Caravellas Brooklyn Portland Halifax Kobe Kobe Santa Marta Antwerp Buenos Aires Honolulu Spittal Point Hurst Gefle Belfast Pier 2 Hoboken Flushing Lynn Osaka Manchester Crooked Island Llanelly Rio Janeiro Off Nahant Famagusta South Haven Halifax Peekskill harbor Martin Garcia Milford Hoeven Dan Baker Antwerp Puntales Pier Bendu Pentland Firth Fort Hamilton New York Callao Dock Bergen Middlesbro Columbia river Newfoundland Tyne DAMAGE RESULTING No damage Not stated Not stated To cargo Spars gone To furn’s. Not stated Not stated Raised Floated Damaged Prop. dam. Not stated Floated; bot. dam. Slight Not stated Severe Not serious Damaged Floated Slight To engine Floated Leaking Boil. trble. Not stated Damaged Not stated Badly To tailshaft To windlass Lost mast Not stated Eng. trble. Cargo dam. Floated Floated Floated Leaking Prop. fouled Not stated Leaking Tof’rpeak & tank Damaged Stem dam. Undam., Badly, ab. water Not stated Eng. trble. Afloated Not stated Leak. tanks To cargo Not stated Not stated Eng. trble. Consider’ble Prop. blades To turbine To blades Leaking Sunk Slight Seriously Eng. trouble Sank Not stated Strip. prop. Not stated To cargo Leaking Total wreck Floated Sank Eng. trble. Undam. Floated Slight Afloat Not stated To mach.

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