October, 1924 MARINE REVIEW 47 fe We also manufacture mmc WAY nn WELIN DAVITS WELIN RADIO WELIN 3 NON-TOPPLING TURNING OUT BLOCKS GEAR . MILLS STEEL OR WOOD RELEASING LIFEBOATS GEAR METALLIC oe a 7] f| STEEL OR WOOD LIFE. RAFTS 2 COMMERCIAL We are Sales Agents for PERMACOTE BOATS and READY MIXED RED LEAD—a red of Standard or __ BALSA lead that will not harden in the container Special Design LIFE after opening. WELIN ELECTRIC FLOATS Write for samples — BOAT WINCHES TUTOR UE ATT WELIN DAVIT & BOAT CORPORATION 305 Vernon Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. WORS _ SY See 54th to 57th Sts.; Brooklyn, N. Y. In every type of vessel—whether ocean liner or tugboat—Morse Oil Burners are cre- ating new standards of operating efficiency. The natural result is that ship owners and operators who have seen the Morse System in operation are demanding equally high efficiencies in their own vessels. We will be glad to arrange an inspection trip at any time in order to demonstrate the advantages of the Morse! Fuel Oil System. Please mention MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers