: UY) SS 9 AN: New Machine c. oN YUylje : PSS /j Yi leg ; y Le Wily ESL) Oe Gece LOE SS LY \\ VW CE. TEEN \\ Traces Record VG = ecor OC : : i i oe a . \ ‘ . LAGU MERLE Ha SU an ites i a i a a of Sea Depths” | ny epths Te sea Se ES SI A Hy rr ey : LAS WO LEW) OW in operation on the Great N WX SS“ ES Cyt Yl Tale sivd ot 25 : AN AS SUSY N ae Gua ache. ae A Zee “yy UY SSS most receiit installations were made on the two imctor vessels built for the Ford Motor Cc, Benson Forp and Henry Forp II, and the two passenger liners - built for the Detroit & Cleveland Navi- gation Co., GREATER Derroir and GREAT- - Pe ia men Depths automatically recorded by lake vessel on run from Bar Point to Buffalo is (1) to secure a continuous sounding tube or line while the lower end is sub- The construction of the sounding ma- beneath the bottom of a vessel while merged in water, the pressure of air at chine is quite simple as can readil traveling at the regular rate of speed the upper end will equal the pressure of be seen by reference to the rear and in this way to do away with outside water at the lower end. The pressure showing the forward end of a steame strandings and (2) to place the indica- of water at the lower end as previously with the-side partly cut away to HON tion of this sounding in the pilot house stated, bears a known relation to the the placing of the several parts. The at any convenient point so that the offi- depth, and the gages that measure the indicating, recording and alarm ages cer in charge may readily see the record pressure at the upper end are so marked are shown at B, The sounding line ae of depth through which he is traveling. as to translate this presstire into a rec- with power for handling and the, air The principle upon which the ma- ord depth of water expressed in feet. compressor which ig attached to the chine’ operates is given in ae : | ? side oF We dre ace the science of physics, that _ is ~ erally installed on the spar beneath the surface of a or main deck forward of the liquid there exists a force collision bulkhead. This part which at a given depth 1s of the installation is shown exerted in all directions with at Cea eee a exactly the same pressure. pipe i thectahe ween ee Careful measurements have Jounding Hneds leweced rac shown that this force is di- the water extends vertically rectly proportional to the from the sounding line drum depth, that is, the pressure so the Souter: shell ofa in water at a depth of 20 feet steamer. The upper end of is double what it is at 10 this pipe is constructed with feet and at 50 feet is five a_ wide top which gradually times as_ great. Knowing reduces in size to a depth of the pressure that exists in a about eight feet where it body of water at a given connects with a standard 4- depth, it is apparent that if inch tube and this continues a vessel is equipped with a down to sittin “aheucdhee device which will accurately feet of the outer shell of the measure and record the vessel where it connects pressure at the lake or river with an especially © con- floor, the exact depth can structed sheave ten c. readily be determined. This whole exit pipe is arranged is done with a _ hollow so as to allow a free open- sounding line which has a ing for the sounding line. INDICATING, RECORDING AND ALARM GAGES OF AUTO- clear opening from the air . Snes : ; : ‘g) a i MATIC SOUNDING MACHINE INSTALLED IN PILOT This exit pipe is shown at ee eS, HOUSE OF PASSENGER LINER GREATER A. The hollow sounding air is forced through this DETROIT line shown dragging from 431