January, 1925 MARINE REVIEW GREAT LAKES SYSTEM ABOVE NIAGARA FALLS MONONGAHELA RIVER 5 TRIBUTARIES OF OHIO RIVER 6 WATERWAYS ON GULF COAST fo atethee | | /2 1S US.WATERWAYS Cost PER TON-MILE OF FREIGHT CARRIED 4 TRIBUTARIES OF MISS!SSIPPI AND MM). We Aa - SSOUR! FIVERS CosT, MILLS PER Ton-MILE;/NTEREST, DEPRECIATION, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION (Exclusive oF Fre16nT RATE) FIG. 7—COMPARATIVE COST PER TON MILE OF FREIGHT CARRIED ON THE PRINCIPAL WATERWAYS OF THIS COUNTRY freight rates, are shown in Fig. 7. The lowest cost for a waterway, other than the Great Lakes, is indicated for the Delaware river from Philadelphia to Trenton, where for an average annual investment cost of $63,000, freight to the extent of about two and a half million tons is carried 33 miles. This river is included in the five Atlantic coast rivers. On the Sacramento river, where over half the freight was sand RENE 4 RoR e—e FIG. 8—LATE IN APRIL OR EARLY and water, the investment cost is about ter times that on the Great Lakes; this river is one of the group of four on the Pacific coast. On the Monongahela river, where coal is the principal commodity cairied, the investment cost per ton- mile is 11 times that shown for the Great Lakes system. For several of the interior water- ways, on which millions of dollars have been expended, the cost to the United CUGENE w Dgngny IN MAY EACH YEAR, THE BIG FREIGHTERS OF THE GREAT LAKES States in interest and maintenance charges exceeds a dollar for every ton of freight carried one mile. As to the carrying charges or rates, data are very incomplete, but it may be said that the freight rate on the internal waterways is seldom less than ten mills per ton-mile. Qn the Great Lakes, from 1889 to 1903 the average freight charges per ton- mile fell from 1.5 mills to about 0.9 freight (CLUSTER AT SAULT STE. MARIE AWAITING THE BREAKING UP OF THE ICE WHICH MEANS THAT NAVIGATION HAS OPENED FOR ANOTHER SEASON