January, 1925 MARINE REVIEW SAFETY! A VITAL FACTOR IN SHIP OPERATION A paper entitled “The Steering of Ships in Shallow Waters and Canals,” recently read by a well known Naval Architect, who made many tank tests, and also several special passages through the Suez Canal, brings out the following facts: we 30 7 That some trustworthy means should be pro- ee) : : ak ne Rat vided on the bridge to indicate % (a) The exact position of the helm at any instant. (b) The rate and direction of Helm Angle Indicator : revolution of the engines. The Sperry Helm Angle Indicator covers the first requirement and the Sperry Engine Speed Indicator fulfills the second. Both these instruments embody the Sperry transmission system which has been successful _ in other Sperry instruments for years. The use of these instruments improves navigation and reduces the hazards in close waters. Catalogue furnished upon request Engine Speed Indicator THE SPERRY GYROSCOPE COMPANY LONDON NEW YORK TOKYO 15 Victoria Street, S. W. 1 Manhattan Bridge Plaza Mitsui Building Brooklyn PERRY FOR BETTER NAVIGATION Please mention MARINE ReEvIEw when writing to Advertisers