36 MARINE REVIEW January, 1925 , MARINE DEPARTMENT of American Bridge Company FRICK BUILDING PITTSBURGH. PENNA. BUILDERS OF STEEL BARGES for RIVERS and HARBORS CAR-FLOATS FOSTER SUPERHEATERS In use in over 350 ships. A necessity for turbine protection and engine cylinder economy. Dallas _— Pittsburgh Boston _ Detroit Kansas City London POWER SPECIALTY CO. Chicago San Francisco Boulder Philadelphia Los Angeles England 111 Broadway, N. 7: Baltimore, Proctor Eng. Co.; A. K. Miller Engineering Co., Galveston, Texas, New Orleans, La., Mobile, Ala.; Cleveland, R. G. Backus. Charleston and Savannah, Stuart A. Johnson Engineering Company. Cap’n Allswell says: ‘“‘You wouldn’t build a tow boat on racing lines.’’ ‘Columbian Propellers are built to fit the job, whether it’s speed, pleasure or plain hard work.’ (Write for propeller information). ioe mi, The Columbian Bronze Corporation, 238 Freeport, L.I., N.Y. Detroit Representative: Henry H. Smith & Co., 334 Jefferson Ave., East Te COLUMBIAN Bronze PROPELLERS MANITOWOC Shipbuilding Corporation Ship, engine and boiler builders and dry dock proprietors. Two dry docks enabling us to dock ships up to 510! keel length. Excellent facilities for prompt and econom- ical repair work. MANITOWOC, WISCONSIN Please mention MARINE REvIEw when writing to Advertisers